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Open Mouth, Insert Foot


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
Way to go soldiers! Say no more John Kerry your a disgrace to your country and a turncoat.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
John Kerry was refereing to the President, not the troops.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Kerry is an idiot. They should check him for dementia or something for screwing up that joke.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Definitely not the brightest move. Apparently he's about as dumb as he was accusing Bush of being! Dumb and Dumber?!!!!


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Mosesatm said:
Definitely not the brightest move. Apparently he's about as dumb as he was accusing Bush of being! Dumb and Dumber?!!!!

Definitely:rollout: :rofl:


Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
Sen. Kerry may think he can pass this off as a joke or a slam at the President, but I think he meant exactly what he said. He is a liberal fat mouth that needs to keep his mouth shut. Such language is unpatriotic, harmful to the morale of our troops, and just plain anti-American. He shows his real colors as a far left wacko. We are blessed that he's not sitting in the Oval office, parsing out nutty orders for foreign aid to the Taliban and groups hugs with the Ayatollah of Iran. Thank God he's still just a Senator from Massachusetts and not our President.

John McGilvary

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
Mosesatm said:
So are all liberals evil or just Kerry?
No, liberals and Kerry are not evil. He made a dumb mistake that was taken out of context. But don't worry, Kerry was in the same war I was in and alot worse things were said about us and the rest of the troups when we came home. I don't think people like Kerry and McCane would ever say anything bad about the troups, or put them in harms way like some others in Washington have.
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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Mosesatm said:
Definitely not the brightest move. Apparently he's about as dumb as he was accusing Bush of being! Dumb and Dumber?!!!!
Re: Dumb and Dumber...

*Supposedly* what Kerry meant to say was "I can't overstress the importance of a great education. Do you know where you end up if you don't study, if you aren't smart, if you're intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq." An oblique dig at Bush.

You know it's interesting with Bush and Kerry. They both had fathers that were in the army air corps during WWII. They both went to blue-blood NE private schools. They were admitted to Yale (IMO) only because their daddies went there (Kerry '66, Bush '68). Both had about the same GPAs which were marginal (Bush 77, Kerry 76). Both were members of Skull-n-Bones. They *may* have even met each other at school. And, yes, they both really seem to have a penchant for foot-in-mouth disease. Neither in my opinion is the sharpest knife in the cupboard. But you know after you strip away the labels "liberal" and "conservative" I would still have preferred a commander-in-chief that had actually fought for his country. Someone who had a visceral feel of what war was like before he commited our troops. Someone who had a sense of history (how Germany was de-nazified after WWII) so that we could win the peace once we had won the war...

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
p51 said:
Re: Someone who had a visceral feel of what war was like before he commited our troops...

Say what you want... But I think we all got a taste of what war was like when terrorists hit those towers! Funny how few of you want to remember that!

Bush AND our troops have a thankless job right now thanks to Kerry, over-promoted celebrity types and our own media!

I have YET to hear a liberal offer any solution but to argue, complain or blame!! They talk constantly, but say very little...

Somebody needs to ask them the question - Do you want us to succeed or not?!?!
Go ahead and pull our (volunteer) troops out of "harms way" you cowards! but you better get ready to do your own fighting over here! They'll hit us again HARD while we sit here tryin' to out intellectualize each other! ...Just like in the days preceding Decemder 7, 1941! Do you think CNN will be able to keep up with that body count??

I'm too old to give a damn about myself - but for my kids, I would gladly pick up a gun and join many others I know who are over there who choose to act for the safety of all of us, as opposed to blame and complain! Learn to read between the lines... My heart resides with the likes of WWII triple-ace Bud Anderson whose home I was in on the day of 911. He was on the phone while I waited for him to autograph some artwork... I overheard him say "Give me an F-16 and I'm there!..." He's 83 years old.

God Bless America, Bush and our troops :)
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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Midnight Special said:
Say what you want... But I think we all got a taste of what war was like when terrorists hit those towers! Funny how few of you want to remember that!

Bush AND our troops have a thankless job right now thanks to Kerry, over-promoted celebrity types and our own media!

I have YET to hear a liberal offer any solution but to argue, complain or blame!! They talk constantly, but say very little...

Somebody needs to ask them the question - Do you want us to succeed or not?!?!
Go ahead and pull our (volunteer) troops out of "harms way" you cowards! but you better get ready to do your own fighting over here! They'll hit us again HARD while we sit here tryin' to out intellectualize each other! ...Just like in the days preceding Decemder 7, 1941! Do you think CNN will be able to keep up with that body count??

I'm too old to give a damn about myself - but for my kids, I would gladly pick up a gun and join many others I know who are over there who choose to act for the safety of all of us, as opposed to blame and complain! Learn to read between the lines... My heart resides with the likes of WWII triple-ace Bud Anderson whose home I was in on the day of 911. He was on the phone while I waited for him to autograph some artwork... I overheard him say "Give me an F-16 and I'm there!..." He's 83 years old.

God Bless America, Bush and our troops :)
Mommy! Tim is calling me names :cry: :wink:


The trade center was hit by Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. I never meant to imply that I disagreed with going into Afghanistan to get rid of the Taliban. I completely supported that and felt that we should have focused on getting that job *completely* done. I’m sorry, I should have clarified that in my original comment but I sort of thought from how the thread got started that Iraq was the main topic. And it’s my assumption (possibly incorrect) that Kerry would have done the same thing as Bush did with regard to Afghanistan – it would be almost inconceivable with such an overt action that he wouldn’t have.

And although I disagree with the rationale we used for going into Iraq because I think the links between Afganistan and Iraq were tenuous (I can explain that if you want) and would have preferred that someone who was a war veteran making that kind of *unilateral* call, the biggest issue I have is that after our military won the Iraq war that our administration was not able to win the peace. They did not take advantage of historical precedence of how we handled the de-nazification of Germany after WWII in order to stabilize the country. They either ignored it or did not know of it. And Bremer and Rumsfeld ignored General Garner’s input on how post-war Iraq should be handled. In my mind it is inexcusable not to learn from the past especially when lives are on the line.

And now the situation in Iraq has devolved to the point where it is on the verge of civil war – the Shias and Sunnis hate each other.

Now whether Kerry could have done a better job than Bush in Iraq, well, I’m not sure. But it is clear to me that he would have been hard pressed to do a worse job.

For reference:

Newsweek about Bob Woodward’s new book (read especially what General Garner recommended and how Bremer and Rumsfeld treated him)…

USNews editorial…

Some successful techniques used in the de-nazification of Germany after WWII were not used in Iraq (see esp point 7 in link below. note the article's 05/03 date)...

And finally. Yes, God Bless the US and our troops. And I pray for George Bush every night that he might be guided to do the right thing (although at this point I don’t know exactly what that is).


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Midnight Special said:
Go ahead and pull our (volunteer) troops out of "harms way" you cowards!

Uh, Tim, your passion for the subject matter is admirable but how about easing up on the name-calling and insults. I don't think you know any of us well enough to be calling all of us cowards. Besides, addressing us as children is usually reserved for another, and you don't want to step on those toes!:grin:


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
I have a few comments.......:grin:

...Just like in the days preceding December 7, 1941! Do you think CNN will be able to keep up with that body count??

Did`nt we end that one with an "A bomb" or something on Hiroshima? We don`t even want to think about having to go that far.

Anybody watch "Farenheit 911"? Apparently some of Bin Laden`s family were here in America when the terrorists struck our country and Bush sent them home that very day. They were the only plane allowed to fly after the "no fly" restriction. Whats that all about? Also they said Bush had stock dealings with Saudi Arabia. Why is`nt that being investigated? I mean, I really don`t think Bush acted fast enough after 911.

How come they can capture Saddam Hussein, but can`t catch Bin Laden?
This is a dirty war with people (animals) that fight dirty. Killing their own people. Wait, even animals would`nt act that way.

Did`nt they say that this war is more like a "police action", like Vietnam? The only war we did`nt win?
I know, I`m pretty naive about stuff like this but there are alot of unanswered questions involving this so-called war. I know I don`t like it.

You guys are all very passionate about this subject. We need more people like you getting involved, doing what you can to end this war. We need better minds in our government, not pampered idiots that come from political families. Real men or women like you. People that actually have children over there, people who have a stake in this country, not in their political career. Our government needs a total overhaul, and only we can do that, by being as passionate about it as you guys are in this thread.
I`m done, carry on......:icon_ecst

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Mustanglvr said:
I have a few comments.......:grin:

...Just like in the days preceding December 7, 1941! Do you think CNN will be able to keep up with that body count??

Did`nt we end that one with an "A bomb" or something on Hiroshima? We don`t even want to think about having to go that far.

...My point precisely Rhonda - Do we pull out & wait until they hit us with a (N.Korean or Iranian) A-bomb?

Arlie, P51... Yes, I'm passionate! But no disrespect to you guys. Imagine the motivation and encouragement Bin Laden, North Korea and Iran get every time Kerry opens his mouth or CNN aires film of insurgents shooting at our troops. THEY are the cowards for putting their personal ambition over the overall good of this nation. Kerry cares about Kerry!...

P51 - We tried to isolate and turned a blind eye to the Nazis until we were completely against the wall. It just seems to me that if some of you get your way, that history will repeat itself and my fear is that we are now right back in 1939.

Again, No disrespect to you. I wasn't calling YOU names. Arlie - quit bein' a Grinch ;-)


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
If what we are doing in Iraq isn't working shouldn't our politicians let the President know that fact instead of going along with a policy that has already killed thousands of our young men and women soldiers?

Why is it that everyone who points out the fact that our kids are getting slaughtered is anti-American or a traitor? I see it as just the opposite. I see it as being loyal to the country and to our children, and not to some egomaniacal demigod and his cronies sitting in the white house, playing with people's lives just because they can.

Hell, Bush has even finally agreed that what we are doing now isn't working. Of course, he also says that he never used the phrase, "Stay the course".

And it’s been proved over and over that Iraq has nothing to do with Bin Laden, or the twin towers, or 9/11, or any known terrorist act. The Bush administration and Karl Rove are very good at confusing the American public about that fact.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Its a known fact that "our kids", fighting in Iraq, are mostly poor kids who could`nt afford an education on their own and did`nt think anything bad would happen to them by joining the nations armed services. Watch a recruiter sometime, they are as slick as they can be trying to get some young, dumb kid to sign his life (literally) away.
It is also a known fact that only a select few of the members of our nations governing body have relatives fighting for our country. Most of them would never hear of it.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
Who Are the Recruits? The Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Enlistment, 20

"Its a known fact that "our kids", fighting in Iraq, are mostly poor kids who could`nt afford an education on their own and did`nt think anything bad would happen to them by joining the nations armed services. Watch a recruiter sometime, they are as slick as they can be trying to get some young, dumb kid to sign his life (literally) away.
It is also a known fact that only a select few of the members of our nations governing body have relatives fighting for our country. Most of them would never hear of it."

Mustanglvr; I don't know where you got your information. Perhaps you should read the following research. Although rather lengthy, it doesn't support your statement.

Heritage Foundation

Who Are the Recruits? The Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Enlistment, 2003–2005
by Tim Kane, Ph.D.
Center for Data Analysis Report #06-09
