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Please Pray


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Dec 4, 2004


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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
In Cottonwood Minnesota, a community where we used to live and still have many friends and loved ones, suffered this devastating blow.
Please pray for the families. :cry: Rhonda


This is a sad situation ... I'll definitely pray for these poor folks whose lives were impacted by the injuries and especially the loses ... God help them ...

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I thought about you when I saw this on the news. Very tragic situation and I send my prayers.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Thank you all.
The 4 victims were all children of our friends. We are deeply saddened.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I am so saddened to see this. My prayers are definately with the families.



Well-known member
Jan 2, 2003
Sorry about this........prayers for those families coming from New Hamsphire tonight. Hope all is well with you Rhonda.



Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Sorry about this........prayers for those families coming from New Hamsphire tonight. Hope all is well with you Rhonda.


I`m doing better.
Minnesota Governor Pawlenty spoke at the school last evening. The community has really rallied together.

The police arrested the van driver for "criminal vehicular operation", so far. Apparently she had no drivers license.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
I`m doing better.
Minnesota Governor Pawlenty spoke at the school last evening. The community has really rallied together.

The police arrested the van driver for "criminal vehicular operation", so far. Apparently she had no drivers license.

Glad to hear you're doing better Rhonda. This was all over the national news as well. So sorry ;-(...


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
OK, maybe I shouldn't post this but, come on folks when will we as "Americans" finally stand up and say enough is enough. I've spent almost all my adult life protecting this country for what, the "Washington bullshit artist to give away what we work for". To let anybody who is not an "American Citizen" to just come into this country and get free benefits and now to see this horrendous act to take place and to probably see this person walk free. Please don't tell me this is so. Are we willing to give away our freedoms that others have fought and died for. I'm not. I swore an oath when I joined the Military to protect the "CONSTITUTION" of this country from all enemy's "Foreign and Domestic" and I stand by that today. This is truly a kick in the face. How many more do we have to bury before we wake up and take action. I'm sorry if I offend anyone here but, I have to speak my heart and this is truly how I feel. I only speak for myself not others here on the site. My prayers and thoughts go out to the families involved.


Woman charged in Minn. school bus crash

By ELIZABETH DUNBAR, Associated Press Writer 25 minutes ago

MINNEAPOLIS - The driver of a van that hit a school bus in a crash that killed four children was charged Friday with four counts of criminal vehicular homicide and two lesser charges, authorities said.

The woman, identified as Alianiss Nunez Morales, 23, of Minnesota, failed to stop at a stop sign Tuesday before hitting the bus, which was carrying 28 students from Lakeview School, a prosecutor said. The accident happened near the small town of Cottonwood in southwestern Minnesota.

Morales was also charged with a stop sign violation and for driving without a valid license, Lyon County Attorney Richard Maes said.

Authorities said Morales is not the woman's real name, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were trying to figure out her true identity. Claude Arnold, special agent in charge of investigations, said Morales told investigators she was from Mexico, and his agency believes she is in the country illegally.

Morales does not have a Minnesota driver's license, and "she doesn't have a (driver's license) anywhere that we're aware of," said Lt. Mark Peterson of the Minnesota State Patrol.

The criminal vehicular homicide charges are felonies, each punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine. The other charges are misdemeanors.

Morales was expected to make her first court appearance Friday.

Morales told police through an interpreter that she stopped at the stop sign, according to a criminal complaint filed Friday.

"She stated that she stopped for the stop sign and that when she took off, the bus hit her," according to a statement of probable cause.

The bus driver, Dennis Devereaux, told police it appeared the van wasn't going to stop, and "he did not have time to hit the brakes or accelerate."

Two brothers, the daughter of a teacher at Lakeview School and the son of a former teacher, all passengers on the bus, were killed. Six people, five of them students, remained hospitalized Friday at Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center in Sioux Falls, S.D., spokesman Kenyon Gleason said. One was close to being released, two were in fair condition and two were serious; the adult at the hospital was in fair condition.

Another student remained hospitalized at Mayo Clinic in fair condition.

Funerals for Hunter Javens, 9, and Jesse Javens, 13, were to be held at the school Monday.

A funeral for Emilee Olson, 9, was set for Sunday at a Cottonwood church, while arrangements for Reed Stevens, 12, of Marshall, were pending.
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Don't worry Don, I'm with you. It was an illegal alien that slammed into the rear of me at a stop light and then took off. They found him, did nothing, and I'll be paying doctors and living with pain for the rest of my life. I have no problem with anyone coming here legally, working and building a better life. That's what we are founded on. To come here illegally, demand benefits and thumb your nose at our laws and institutions is another matter.


Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...I'm with you too Don. I'll spare everyone here my usual political tangent on how this came to be, other than to say I am eternally grateful to "Americans" like you who defend our founding principles.

My heart also goes out to veterans who return home from foreign service to see precisely this type of BS....


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
The bus that was hit was the very one my kids would have been on had we not moved away. It has really hit home for me. I was enraged when I heard the driver was an illegal alien, had never had a drivers license and lied about her identity. She had been working at a local cabinet company and they should have known and not hired her if she was illegal. It was kind of obvious since she does`nt speak a word of english. She was on her way to work there when the accident happened.
I guess the states that offer drivers licenses to illegal aliens have got a reason afterall, but I feel the borders need to be closed to Mexico`s undisirables and she seems to be one of them. If they can come into the country legally, then all the power to them. They need to follow the laws just like everybody else.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
The bus that was hit was the very one my kids would have been on had we not moved away. It has really hit home for me. I was enraged when I heard the driver was an illegal alien, had never had a drivers license and lied about her identity. She had been working at a local cabinet company and they should have known and not hired her if she was illegal. It was kind of obvious since she does`nt speak a word of english. She was on her way to work there when the accident happened.
I guess the states that offer drivers licenses to illegal aliens have got a reason afterall, but I feel the borders need to be closed to Mexico`s undisirables and she seems to be one of them. If they can come into the country legally, then all the power to them. They need to follow the laws just like everybody else.
I here you and Rhona, My husband I agree with you. My husband deals with people like this all the time at work, illeglal and get all the breaks, they get hired before a legals these days, what does that say.....
Take care and will be thinking of you and your family and friends.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
What a bummer. There will never be a way to reconcile the deaths & injuries of those kids, and I can only imagine the heartbreak of the parents. "Sympathy is your pain in my heart."

Neil Hoppe