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Pre-Knott's Saturday Meet & Greet



Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
That's great, Paul! I'll be there with my GT/CS. It'll have to be the 07 this year. No thanks are necessary for me. I really didn't do anything but start to find out who was interested in something before time gets away from us.


This will be great! If you've never been to Galpin, you'll see just how big this place is--a whole city block! What I'll appreciate seeing is the numbers of GT/CS, and just how impressive we can be as a single Mustang marque.

I think this will make a great impression on them. This is where the GT/CS idea began, and here we are again, back from 40 years.

How cool is that?!?!?

I'm not sure--but we might get a side tour of the sets they used for "Pimp My Ride".... I'll ask.

It will be loads of fun, and I hope you all like buffalo meat! More on that later...

Paul N.


Well-known member
May 4, 2007
Ventura County, CA
Sounds great!

Thank you Paul for setting up the Galpin event so fast and thank you Joe for rallying us all to get an event together in the first place.

On a quick side note, I've been meaning to make time to tell Joe I'm glad he decided to keep his '68 GT/CS and hopefully you can git 'er done, again. Best of luck man. I was bummed when I found out this year's calendar cover car was a bit banged up. I've been slowly catching up on some of the posts and going's on and am finally about there, sorry it took me so damn long. :embarass:

Seeing I'm just under an hour north of Galpin I'll most def be at the event. I just don't know if I'll bring my '68 GT/CS as she needs paint, bad. Unfortunately I've gone thru my current budget on her and won't be able to do much more on her until around this summer at the earliest. I may try doing what I can to strip the old paint off and then primering but seeing I don't know when she will be painted I'd hate to do it all over again when I finally do. She is driveable in either case and can make it there no problem in her current condition but the paint as can be seen in my gallery pics is in such bad shape it's left her looking like a spotted pony, pun intended. If she can't attend I'll try to talk my dad into taking his '66 coupe as it's paint is much better but it needs to have it's suspension rebuilt and such although driveable, we'll see. I may just cruise down in my '00 Black Eddie Bauer Expy instead so me and pops will be there one way or another. I may see if one or both of my 11 y.o. nephews would like to go seeing they've both been showing alot of interest in their grandpa's Mustang and both want it when they grow up. They'd be stoked to see a bunch of GT/CSs '68/'07/'08 as would me and pops.

Sorry for the long, winded post and have a great weekend everyone!


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
OBWAN, I think you should bring the GT/CS "AS IS" since it is road worthy. When We have the BBQ in NorCal, it is "bring it as is". We won't think any less of you or your car, it just shows you enjoy driving your car. This is a very special event and we want you to be part of it. Your car seats four, bring your dad, two nephews and yourself and have a great time and meet a group of fantastic people. Mike


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
Well said Michael!

Call it wishful thinking, but a few years back the Cobra owners decided to meet at the Petersen Museum and their goal was to get 100 original Cobras all in one place. The first time that they tried they didn't get to 100, but the second time they made it.

Would it be crazy to issue a challenge on this website to see if we can get 100 Cal Specials to show up at Galpin Ford? Call me crazy, but I think that we can do it. So yes bring your special in any condition. We could be part of classic car history...




Ron....All it would take is an ad in the L.A. Times auto section...and Drive magazine...and the Recycler.

I'll know more about the details for the event, time, etc...and what the food possibilities are. They make a great Buffalo chili at their restaurant!!

My first impression of Galpin was that it was like a "Mustang Disneyland". Dreamy cars, friendly people, and wonderful food!

We have the time to promote this...let's pull out all the stops! (and--hey, you out of state-ers....c'mon along, too! You'll love it, and you can go to Knott's! (whether you bring your car on not). Whether myself, or the So Cal owners, we can help with ideas for your accomidations, etc...

Think about it. It's sunny and warm in So Cal!

40 years made it happen!!



Here are two sites to look over. One is the main site for Galpin Ford:

and the other one is for "GAS", Galpin Auto Sports, which is across the street:

It most likely will turn out that we will set up our CS "Corrall" over at GAS!

..and guess who put together the black GT-500 for Knight Rider???

I've got about 200+ So Cal owners of the '68 GT/CS on my mailing list--I'll get out a mailing ASAP.

This will be pretty exciting!!!

Paul N.


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...and of course, a few Northern Calif. owners have already expressed interest to me about a "group drive" south for the Galpin/Knott's Show!...

We'll figure the logistics on that, soon, too.

Paul N.


Active member
Feb 20, 2005
Southern California
I'm there

Hi Paul,

I'll be there with my car and maybe the family. Just a quick question. Since it sounds like there will be food, do we need to limit people? My family is five strong, and I think they would all like to come. We live an hour or so from Galpin.






Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
You guys and gals are killing me ... you're planning way to much fun! :cool:

Wish I could figure out a way to get out there for this and other 40th celebrations out West.


You guys and gals are killing me ... you're planning way to much fun! :cool:

Wish I could figure out a way to get out there for this and other 40th celebrations out West.

Well, there is the Burbank-Pasadena Airport, and for Knott's there is Orange County-John Wayne Airport.

And there is Disneyland, and Universal Studios, and beaches and Beverly Hills, and gorgeous people, and...and...and...warm weather, and...and lots of food, and friendly people, and lots of GT/CS cars!

So, c'mon out!! We want to see you!!

At the very least--how 'bout we give you (and anyone else on the East Coast) a call right from the Galpin event?? We want you to feel included!

--Paul "are we having fun yet?" Newitt


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
Well said Michael!

... Would it be crazy to issue a challenge on this website to see if we can get 100 Cal Specials to show up at Galpin Ford? Call me crazy, but I think that we can do it. So yes bring your special in any condition. We could be part of classic car history...



Since it's the 40th B-day, how about 40 (or more) GT/CS's? This quantity may be more achievable ... although 100 would be cool too :thumb:


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Well, there is the Burbank-Pasadena Airport, and for Knott's there is Orange County-John Wayne Airport.

And there is Disneyland, and Universal Studios, and beaches and Beverly Hills, and gorgeous people, and...and...and...warm weather, and...and lots of food, and friendly people, and lots of GT/CS cars!

So, c'mon out!! We want to see you!!

At the very least--how 'bout we give you (and anyone else on the East Coast) a call right from the Galpin event?? We want you to feel included!

--Paul "are we having fun yet?" Newitt

Yes Mr Newitt I know "how" to get there. :rolleyes:
It's the logistics of it all - kids, work, timing, flying, cost, etc...
MMmmm ... maybe I can figure out a way to schedule a business trip to our Pasadena location around that time ...


Since it's the 40th B-day, how about 40 (or more) GT/CS's? This quantity may be more achievable ... although 100 would be cool too :thumb:

This has quickly become the "Official GT/CS 40th Anniversary Event" location.
I'd encourage everyone to come to So Cal, and spend the next day at Knotts!

I'll be doing a mailing to bring a lot of owners to this event. More on this as it develops....



Yes Mr Newitt I know "how" to get there. :rolleyes:
It's the logistics of it all - kids, work, timing, flying, cost, etc...
MMmmm ... maybe I can figure out a way to schedule a business trip to our Pasadena location around that time ...

As the Jack Benny Show said...."Anaheim, Azuza, and Cucamooongaaa". That's the way to get there...LOL.

We'd sure like to see you! Ya see the same avatar with type, and it's great to put a face with the words.... Pasadena is a hop-skip and-a jump from Van Nuys (North Hills) where Galpin is...

This will be a very exciting show to attend, and we invite everyone who reads these boards to be there. The more the merrier!

Paul N.