Ron....All it would take is an ad in the L.A. Times auto section...and Drive magazine...and the Recycler.
I'll know more about the details for the event, time, etc...and what the food possibilities are. They make a great Buffalo chili at their restaurant!!
My first impression of Galpin was that it was like a "Mustang Disneyland". Dreamy cars, friendly people, and wonderful food!
We have the time to promote this...let's pull out all the stops! (and--hey, you out of state-ers....c'mon along, too! You'll love it, and you can go to Knott's! (whether you bring your car on not). Whether myself, or the So Cal owners, we can help with ideas for your accomidations, etc...
Think about it. It's sunny and warm in So Cal!
40 years made it happen!!