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1968 Progress on the HCS after a few years off


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
My 14 yr old son and I started disassembly today. The goal at this point is just to get it to the point where we can drive and enjoy it, not do a full on restoration.

First step is fixing the brakes (see my other thread) but while we wait for the power booster to be rebuilt we're focusing on the interior. The original windshield had several cracks 25 years ago when I bought the car from the original owner, but it's sat so much out in the AZ heat that those cracks bubbled and spread, making it a safety hazard to drive. So we pulled the windshield out today.

2020-10-25 17.51.24.jpg

I've had several Mustangs and Cougars, but this was the first time I've pulled a windshield. What a PITA those molding clips are! I had a heck of a time understanding how the clips needed to be pulled back to release the trim. After getting it loose from a couple of clips I could at least see how the clips worked, which did help. But I still struggled with it. I got both sides and two top trim pieces off, but I could not get the clips to release on the bottom trim. So we cut out the windshield gasket and lifted the glass out, leaving the bottom trim in place. After the glass and gasket were out the clips were much easier to get to.

For anyone interested here's a shot of a clip and the motion needed with the trim tool to pry it back and release the edge of the trim.
2020-10-25 17.47.26.jpg 2020-10-25 17.47.42.jpg BCM-82-2.gif

Isn't my original dash pad lovely? That's coming out next weekend.

2020-10-25 17.51.30.jpg 2020-10-25 17.51.35.jpg

Northern Pony

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
Nice to see you making progress on this car. Also like to see that your son is involved.