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. Small, small world


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Funny thing happened on the way to a car show today. We are in Beaverton, Oregon, southwest of Portland, headed west to attend the Wapato Showdown in Gaston, Oregon. We are traveling along the highway in the right lane on a beautiful, sunny day with all the windows open and playing rock n' roll.

We stop at a red light and a red Chevy Cavalier pulls up next to us in the left hand lane. He tells us what a beautiful car we have and says he has 2 of them. Now usually when people say that they mean they have 68's or Mustangs without realizing it's a California Special. At the next stop light we talk again and ask if the 2 cars are California Specials. He tells us yes. We think oh sure, maybe but maybe not. Then we keep talking with him to the next stop light and he asks where we are going. So we tell him and he says he heard of that and thought about going but will be going to the coast.

Later at the car show, he and his wife with their dog show up and sure enough he has 2 California Specials. One green (in long term storage) and one red with white stripes. He was very knowledgable about the cars and has Marti reports for both but has been so busy with life that he hasn't gone to shows with either one.

We talked a lot about the cars and besides his, he knows about 3 others in the area that we have not seen as far as we can remember. We invited him to a car show that we make trophies for and sponsor a trophy, he said he might come. So we guaranteed him a trophy if he shows up.

It's always so great to meet other owners of the GT/CS and discuss our "babies". We had a great day at the show (right at 500 cars) and are looking forward to seeing our new friends and their cars in a few weeks.

Karen and Ralph Powell


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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
That's awesome, be kind of neat if you can get them out and about with thier cars, you might have started some competition for your CS at the shows, although having seen the spread of your car in the new book I can say this, they will have to polish their cars up pretty nice as yours certainly shines and it's as red as red gets!!

I want to go to your shows if you guarantee trophy's!!



Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Corey, Just let us know if and when you are in the Beaverton/Portland Or. area, its a guarantee

Karen and Ralph


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Corey, Just let us know if and when you are in the Beaverton/Portland Or. area, its a guarantee

Karen and Ralph

I'll do that, does the guarantee stand even if I'm not in my CS? I'll sign your books for a "Best of Show...ing UP!! Heck I'll sign them anyway even though my signature doesn't mean a hill of beans.

I'm going to have to make a list of where everyone lives after this little book adventure, I've got plenty of offers to stop off and visit and my luck I'll forget and drive right by without saying hi, wouldn't that be a shame.