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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
Lately we've been having temperatures in the mid to high nineties. As a result we've been experiencing an issue with stalling while sitting at red lights. We will pull up to a stop light and while sitting there she slowly dies (the rpms slowly drop until she dies) or when you take your foot off the brake and onto the gas peddle she hesitates and dies. She restarts instantly without any problems. She did not do this when the weather is cooler.

The engine is 302 with a vary mild cam, Edlebrock Air Gap intake with Edlebrock 4V carb with electric choke and a MSD dizzy. The timing is set to 11 degrees.

Any ideas why she is doing this?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
It may be vapor locking. Is your fuel line resting on the engine at any point?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007

could it be in the distrib with the plate of moving to far that was part of my problemwhen you give it a little gas it wanted to choke out


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
could it be in the distrib with the plate of moving to far that was part of my problemwhen you give it a little gas it wanted to choke out
Not sure what you mean. She runs smooth as silk and does not miss. I can put my foot into it and she takes off like a raped ape.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
This is without a doubt carburation in nature. My guess is gas expansion due to the hotter weather. Coupled with less dense “oxygen” in the air when it is hot. And your idle circuit may have been set when temperatures were cooler.

First take the air cleaner off before you go out and turn the air mixture screws in and slowly count the turns to see where they are set. GENTLY to a close. A normal preset is around 2 turns out for an engine with no air leaks and in good operating condition. Whatever you had before, turn them out the exact same amount. What carb number is it?

Leave the air cleaner off and go for a drive in the hot weather. Get her good and hot, and bring her back to the garage or driveway. Now get out and see if she will run with a 1/4 turn “in” on the air screws. Turning the air screws clockwise or closing them “leans” the idle circuit out a bit. My guess is this may help. If the engine drops rpm when you do this, then we need to go further. The more you can turn the idle mixture screws in the leaner the idle circuit. Without lowering the idle. Go out now and tell us what the screws are set at now?

If this does not help, it can be a couple other things. With a mild cam you may need to crack the curb idle stop screw to far open and this reduces the effectiveness of the idle mixture screws. Adding a couple degrees of initial advance can help you close the idle stop screw a bit. This may help the idle mixture screws smooth stuff out. A final carb thought may be a bit high on the float level. Now we need to pull the top off...

The more initial advance you can run the better. Is your MSD a vacuum advance type or does it not have one? You should be hooked to the port off the front on the passenger side which is “ported” vacuum on the Edelbrock carb? Now of course we do not want detonation. What octane gas do you run? Higher octane can let you run more advance without detonation. And to confuse you more, if you have a vacuum advance MSD, the vacuum dashpot can be adjusted to vary when the timing comes in to supress detonation.

Above thoughts have questions to answer. Wish you were near me, I could dial this in in about one afternoon!! I run a hobby business helping people tune their cars in!!

Give me (us) more information and we will try to help from afar!!



Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
I am running 93 octane 10% ethanol blend (that's the best I can get around here). Thanks for reminding me, she was tuned back when the temps were in the 50 -60 degree range. That could explain why she was fine in the evening a week ago when the temp was around 70 but not this past Saturday, Sunday and Fourth of July when the temps were in the high 90s.

The wife and are leaving for vacation today so the car will have to wait until we get back. I've been forbidden from lifting the hood until we get back so I can't check anything now. When I get back I'll bump the timing another degree and try adjusting the air screws. Crap, the wife is yelling for me to shutoff the computer and help her load the car so we can leave. Got to run. I'll try and check in from the cottage next week.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
It really sucks when you have to leave your car alone and go on vacation
Could life get any worse?

Hope you have a great time.