I went to a Mustang show in Asheville, NC, and when you stopped your car to register they photographed your car with a blue backdrop behind. You could then select one of several backgrounds, and they superimposed your car on it. Matted & framed for $80+/-. I thought it was a clever idea, so I bought one!! There were over 300 Mustangs registered, but what got my attention was there were FEW what I call first generation Mustangs ('65 thru '73). I purposely counted, and less than 50 were first generation. About 250 were '74 and up. Two '07 C/S's and only one (mine) '68 C/S.It was a really nice day, nice folks. I understand the 2009 MCA Regional will be held in Asheville at the Biltmore House (the Vanderbilt mansion) due to this local club's phenominal growth recently. It is a sight to see if you ever have the opportunity. (And my GT/CS LOVED the mountain drive, hugging the turns and purring like a kitten)