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Your Chance to Honor Lee Grey; father of the GT/CS



Lee S. Grey was the Los Angeles sales district manager for Ford during the late 1960's. Ford sent him there from Ohio, where he previously exceeded sales expectations of Fords and Mustangs in Ohio.

It was Lee Grey that saw the Shelby prototype "Little Red" at a new car show at the Los Angeles Coliseum (Aug 1967), and then a visit to Shelby American at LAX to borrow the car and test public interest. This led to a lunch with Lee Iaccoca in L.A., upon which Lee (I) had "Little Red" airshipped to Dearborn. It was from these series of events that led to the production version, the "GT/California Special".

Lee is now 85, and lives in the Bay Area in Northern California. Today, I gave him a call, and surprised him! He remembered me, and is still sharp as a tack! So, on March 2nd, I'll be interviewing him at his home, just like I did 21 years ago (and I'll have a TON of questions this time for the book!!)

If it were not for him, there would be no GT/CS. All of our years of enjoyment of our unique Mustang is owed to Lee, and his inspiration for making this special Mustang, just for California. This wasn't easy, since regional Fords were not exactly embraced by Dearborn at that time.

This is your time to thank Lee, and express your appreciation for his work 40 years ago.

I will print this thread out, and take it with me to present to Lee, as our way of expressing our appreciation for all these years of enjoyment of this rare Mustang.

Thank You, Paul Newitt


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
How about inviting him to the GAS event? I'll pick up airfare if someone else will pick up hotel accomodations. With all the GT/CSs that are going to be in the area, I'll bet we can arrange ground transportation.

John McGilvary

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
Thank You " Lee Gray ".

40 years ago I had my first good job and was looking for my first new car and it had to be a Mustang and it had to have the new 428CJ. After looking at hundreds of Mustangs and Shelby Mustangs I still was undecided, cause they all looked cool. A friend of mine was/is a Ford salesman and he told me he had a Mustang he wanted to show me at another lot, so we jumped into a GT Fast Back 428CJ and headed to the other lot ( we got there real fastlike ).
When we pulled on the lot there was the coolest looking Mustang I had ever seen, it was the first California Special I had ever seen, and it had the 428CJ under the hood. I bought that CS, still have it today and I still think the GT/CS is the finest looking Mustang ever made.

Thanks again, Lee Gray, for the GT/CS.



Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Thank You Mr. Grey.

Mr. Grey, I was raised in a family where all the cars were Chevy. As I grew up, I learned more about Chevy engines than I care to remember. In 1983 I saw my first California Special Mustang and fell in love with it. It was that car that turned me to Fords. I still have that GT/CS today, and will pass it on to my kids someday. In fact, I have three Mustangs, two GT/CSs, and one '68 coupe. Thank You again for your insight to bring us the GT/CS. Mike and Robinette Jewell


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2004
San Fernando Valley, California
Thank You Mr. Lee Grey.

Mr. Grey i was born in 1985 and my 1968 GT/CS is my first car. I'm a senior in college and people tell me the car is "sexy." The motor has 347ci now and aluminum heads with a hydraulic roller cam. It has a 750 Holley, dyno tuned by Bob Jennings in the San Fernando Valley and it is making 380+RWHP at 6500rpm. Its a street/strip car with a best of 11.989 @ 111.79mph at California Speedway in Fontana. I love this car, thank you for making it happen!

-David Athans


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003

I will pick up the hotel charges if we can get Mr. Grey to go. Should we have him stay in the same hotel where the GT/CS made its official debut? Just an idea...




Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Thank you Mr. Grey!!! :thumb: :thumb: :flag: :flag: :smile: :grin:
I`m definitely a fan of yours and of the GT/CS Mustang!


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2007

Mr Grey,
Just wanted to say thank you for what you have done for this online GT/CS community. You have given us all something to be proud of and to distinguish ourselves from the rest of the pack. I know my GT/CS has brought my father and I closer and gave us plenty to be proud of. Growing up we were always tinkering with cars but we never had something like this to show off. My Dad had a 67' GT when he was my age so the car kinda re-energized him, makes him feel young again! Thank you for making it possible! Long live the GT/CS :)


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Thank you!

Hello Mr Grey,

I can't thank you enough for helping make this car happen.

I've been a Mustang person all my life. I remember being 4 or 5 years old in 1969 with my first Mustang a red Tootsie toy (little metal cars that were hollow if people recall - see picture below) that I eventually sanded down and painted blue (somethings never change I guess). That was the start of the passion.

Back in 2005, I thought I knew all there was to know about Mustangs and always promised myself that someday I would own a fastback Mustang. Then one day a co-worker/friend told me his Dad was selling his California Special. I did some research on the car and decided to go look at it and drive it. That's it I was hooked!! I loved the look of the car and decided this, not a fastback, would be my first classic Mustang to join my 96 GT convertible in the stable.

You wouldn't believe the comments I get on the car and questions. Especially here in NY where people don't see them often. Stopping at the gas station has become a longer task than it should but I don't mind. I continue to educate and praise these cars and tell the history behind them.

The story and the car's history wouldn't have been possible without your insight and determination. What at the time was a sales promotion has grown over the years to a passion and even an obsession for many. This is a group very passionate owners that help each other out in more ways than I've ever seen. Whether it's sending an extra part to a fellow owner (for free at times) or sharing their knowledge or giving up their time to assist, this group never ceases to amaze me. It's grown into a family that you planted the seed for over 40 years ago! Now it's continuing to expand with the new 07 and 08 GT/CS models for a whole new generation.

Thank you again for all you did. I've had the chance to get to know a great group of people and have gained a new appreciation for the Mustang as I've never known thanks to your work over 40 years ago.

Best of luck to you!

California didn't Make It Happen, Lee Grey did!!!



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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
Thank You So Much ...

Thank You Mr. Lee Grey,

As a Mustang fan since getting my driver's license, I can enthusiastically claim that the Cal Special is one of the most unique and rare Mustangs in my book.

I truly enjoy driving it everyday, yes, it's my daily-driver! And I'm restoring it little by little, as time and finances allow me.

This special Mustang is a classic that gets noticed and complimented all the time, and also it's a favorite among my boys who love to cruise in Daddy's "Cool 'Stang."

Thanks again, Mr. Grey, for your hand in creating our beloved GT/CS, California Special Mustang.

Northern Pony

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
Thank you Mr. Lee Grey;
I have been in the Mustang hobby most of my adult life. My GT/CS is my 13th mustang, and none have been more Special. My car was restored by a close personal friend, and when he said it was for sale, I did not hesitate. The GT/CS stands out from the rest of the pack, and the comments I get are like no other mustang. Your inspiration more than 40 years ago, gives us all much enjoyment today driving and showing our unique cars.
Thank You Mr Grey for the GT/CS.

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Thank you Mr. Grey ...

I must admit that I've been a Ford and Mercury fan all of my life, and I spent many memorable days and nights riding around in a wide variety of Falcons, Fairlanes, Comets, Cyclones, and Mustangs while I was growing up.
Our GT/CS is one of the 390 4V "S" code cars, and I purchased it from my best friend this last Christmas as a present for my wife Laurie. We had borrowed this same car from him 8 1/2 years ago and used it as our wedding car, so it has extra "special" meaning and value for my wife and I!
Thank you very much for convincing Ford to pursue the GT/CS project and producing these very enjoyable and historically significant cars.
Best regards,
Allen & Laurie Page
Victoria, B.C.


I really, really appreciate all your kind words here. Thank you.

This will mean a lot to Lee, and will let him know that he's had a big part in the history of the Mustang.

Lee's wife passed away last May, after 60 years of marriage. I briefly met her back in 1988. She was quite a nice lady.

Thanks again. This will be so great to present to him, and to let him know that he's appreciated and remembered.



I'll be seeing Lee tomorrow. This will be a big day (I'm also taking him to lunch).

I'll be bringing this thread--printed out for him to see. I know he'll appreciate it greatly.

I'll also be presenting him with one of my Maroon 1/18th scale metal cars.

When I return, I'll let you know know how it went. It should be interesting.

Paul N.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
I'll be seeing Lee tomorrow. This will be a big day (I'm also taking him to lunch).

I'll be bringing this thread--printed out for him to see. I know he'll appreciate it greatly.

I'll also be presenting him with one of my Maroon 1/18th scale metal cars.

When I return, I'll let you know know how it went. It should be interesting.

Paul N.

Hey Paul,

Try and get some pic's if possible ... maybe they can be part of the book, or maybe one of your newsletters ...


I had a very interesting day with Lee S .Grey. He remembered me--it had been almost 20 years to the day since I'd sat in the same place at his home to interview him for my 1989 book. Lee is now 88 years old, and still sharp and gets around pretty well.

I brought him one of the 1/18th scale models, and said if anyone should have one, it was him. It was a maroon one, that reminded him of mine, that I'd parked in his driveway 20 years ago. I also gave him one of the 2008 GT/CS 40th Anniv. Calendars....upon which he commented: "boy, that sure brings back some memories"...

I also brought a printout of your wonderful comments....he was really touched by the gesture--and was reading and reading the comments...and was astounded where these cars have ended up across the country. Thank you to you all for your great comments from the heart.

I showed him some of the blueprints, and a Swedish car magazine with a GT/CS in it, with his name in it (amongst Swedish language text). I told him that every single owner that has one today knows who he is. and that he'll always be remembered for what he did for us.

The day was filled with stories...not all had to do with the GT/CS. After WWII, he went back to work at Lockeed (this was long before Ford), and, so, I asked if he'd met Howard Hughes...and he told me a story about how he was responsible for some refurbishment of two Constellations, and that he did speak with Howard a couple of times.....a fascinating story!!! He grew up near Sunset Blvd., in Hollywood in the 1930's. A neighbor of his wanted to become a Tucker Dealer...so they went out to see the "factory" in Van Nuys, to only see an empty building.

He reminded me of the corporate world--the Los Angeles corporate and entertainment world in the 1950's and 1960's. A really different place than today.

I'd written a five page questionairre, that he said he'd get back to me about, so, I'll be back in a couple of weeks. Lots of stories about Iaccoca, and other Ford execs. The GT/CS was not initially an idea that flew too well back in Dearborn (i.e. "why does California get to have it's own Mustang?"). We do owe a lot to Iaccoca for having the vision and corporate saavy to get this car produced--and for California only.

I can tell you that it was the Denver district execs that specifically asked Lee for the Mustang to make their HCS for 1968. The rest is history.

I was also told that the whole GT/CS project was begun with a chance five-minute meeting with Lee Iaccoca, Lee Grey, and Little Red in an Beverly Hills parking lot. Quite the story that will be in the book...

Today was like peering into a window--back in time--to the world of that time...and the people and places that set the stage for the GT/CS.

It was a great day, with a great man; with more to follow.....

Paul N.

p.s. I suggested that this summer we get owners to come to the San Jose area to have a GT/CS picnic to honor him. He said, "sure"!