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Search results

  1. M

    B - J auction on the web?

    Does anyone have a link to a live broadcast of the upcoming BJ auction in AZ? A couple of years ago it was broadcast live with no advertisements, can't remember the source.
  2. M

    1968 Tail light panel sealer?

    The panel in the images is in fact the panel I was asking about. The 3M Strip Calk is also what it appeared to be on our car, but it had been repainted. Any more input on this? If you have an original car you probably can tell in a glance if you have this sealer. Also curious if this sealer...
  3. M

    1968 Tail light panel sealer?

    Does the tail light fiberglass tail light panel have sealer applied between the original sheet metal and the added C/S panel. Did Ford apply some dum dum type body sealer when this panel was screwed to the main portion of the body during assembly. This sealer would be very obvious when opening...
  4. M

    1968 Hood Pin Attach Method

    Single hood pin? Wild Willie, you have a PM
  5. M

    MCA National Des Moines IA.

    Yes, we will arrive Friday evening.
  6. M

    1968 Grille details?

    Preperation to paint a 68 CS grille brought about some questions. Used the search feature to read up on this project but need your help on a few issues. First, three colors are mentioned and seem to be used, DE 1651 Duplicolor (A cast blast type of paint, lowgloss), A DDL number from ages ago...
  7. M

    1968 Hood pin cutouts

    You can probably find the date stamped on yur hood inner structure if you look closely. That should remove all doubt about it being the original or a replacement. I think the date is near the cowl end of the hood and on the stamped support structure.
  8. M

    . Jbart's Super CS featured inside SEMA show

    Aemoo and JBART, it was a pleasure to meet you both at SEMA. It is always a great week and this year was no exception. I was honored to visit with both of you and enjoyed talking "California Special". Your car looked great and you both are ambassadors for the rest of us. Would have loved to...
  9. M

    1968 GT-CS guys in Mustang Monthly

    The trip to OKC was a great time! The CS was thrifty and quiet to drive, the AC kept us cool when the ambient temp reached 102 during the show, and every evening we made the trip in bumper to bumper city traffic to the downtown area of OKC with the AC blasting and never a hint of overheating...
  10. M

    1968 Is it a sin?

    The car is yours, so paint it any color you want! That being said, I feel the value will be diminished if you change the color. Do your self a favor by finding another car with a fresh and accurate paint job in Britainy Blue and look at it carefully before you take the plunge and go with a...
  11. M

    1968 4300 Carb Choke Parts

    Neil, did you get the choke cap and spring from NAPA? I looked on their web site and never could come up with a part number.
  12. M

    1968 4300 Carb Choke Parts

    The cap and spring that I ended up using was marked "EX" and it works as it should. Ford had another that they listed for the C8ZF-D that caused me untold problems with cold starts. When it was set to fully close the choke it would then never open all of the way, and when one set it to open...
  13. M

    1968 4300 Carb Choke Parts

    Neil, did the NAPA guy give you a part number for these? I looked and looked on NAPA .com but found nothing. Too damm old and crabby to fool with on line shopping, I guess!
  14. M

    1968 4300 Carb Choke Parts

    Neil, for what this is worth, I needed one of these a year or so ago and searched all over with no luck. Called Jon at Pony Carb and I gathered he has them although he pretty much said that I did not know what I was doing and that he had never seen one of these go bad and that I probably needed...
  15. M

    1968 Changing Fuel Pump on my '68

    Neil is correct! OOPS
  16. M

    1968 Changing Fuel Pump on my '68

    You are correct! It can be changed from the bottom and it is kind of a shi##y job. As Neil pointed out you must be careful to get the arm on top of the fuel pump ecentric when installing the pump. You can make it a bit easier by bumping the engine over until the ecentric is on the base circle...
  17. M

    1968 shift indicator plastic rod in console unhooked

    Thanks to all of you who posted a reply. Today the Illinois weather was better than it had been of late, so turned on the furnace in the garage and went to work on this project. A long story made short is that I tried everyway mentioned to sneak in and get that little plastic rod pushed back...
  18. M

    1968 289 2V Carb

    Bob, the 4300 four bbl you need may be a little bit difficult to find since most were tossed in the junk in a fit of frustration. They were not the high point of carb evolution. Many were given up for dead and a replacement of another type were installed.
  19. M

    1968 289 2V Carb

    Bob, the previous post is correct in the carb ID numbers. We tend to make this too difficult because many listings are shown as "with smog pump" or "without smog pump" or "with IMCO" or "without IMCO". In truth I think that ALL 289 and 302 cars in 68 with automatic transmission were equipped...
  20. M

    1968 289 2V Carb

    C8ZF-G should be correct for that application according to the material I have. A 2100 series with a 1.08 venturi.