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Search results

  1. L

    Special Purchase of GT/CS Diecast Model

    Anyone see these beauties? What a great stocking stuffer... http://cgi.ebay.com/1-18-Gold-Chase-1968-Mustang-GT-CS-California-Special_W0QQitemZ320052591575QQihZ011QQcategoryZ47188QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  2. L

    Christmas trees..............whatcha got?

    Jason that tree makes me think of a tree we got a few years back. We had just moved into our newly remodeled home with a 2 story living room. So we went and cut this huge tree. It was enormous! We didn't have a ladder tall enough to decorate the top. We had a really hard time just getting it in...
  3. L

    SF Auto Show Pics

    I didn't make it this year. Too bad, I still haven't seen a new CS other than in pictures.
  4. L

    Progress on my GT/CS

    Can hardly wait to see it all finished!
  5. L

    Cs on ebay-check description

    I got the same emal from ebay. I wondered what it was all about.
  6. L

    Cs on ebay-check description

    I'm in..
  7. L

    Cs on ebay-check description

    This is actually a nice looking car (except those black trimed taillight bezels!) but check out what he says in the description-'other color combinations are actually kind of ugly'. How dare he!:mad: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&viewitem=&item=160054665509
  8. L

    Video of dumb drivers

    The first car to hit it is the same car you see backing away from the posts before the bus comes. He was totally trying to sneak!
  9. L

    CS on ebay- belong to someone here??

    Nice car on ebay. Any know who it belongs too? Love the color. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&viewitem=&item=290049662633
  10. L

    San Diego GT/CS on eBay

    And lets not for get those black-rimmed tail light bezels...Something's fishy...
  11. L

    1968 GT/CS (390/4speed) for sale on ebay!

    So is he holding out for $44,000? Seems a bit high......
  12. L

    might be a inexpensive entry fee.........

    Does black paint stripe mean hood stripes?
  13. L

    I feel worthy

    Welcome to the group RedFire. We sure are a lively bunch of Mustang lovers.
  14. L

    I feel worthy

    Welcome vman. I too refer to my car as my midlife crisis. There is nothing like a spin in the CS to boost my spirits.
  15. L

    1968 GT/CS (390/4speed) for sale on ebay!

    Maybe it was my pre-coffee vision, but it looks a little low...
  16. L

    1968 GT/CS (390/4speed) for sale on ebay!

    Oh, just saw Jason brought this up. I need coffee.......
  17. L

    1968 GT/CS (390/4speed) for sale on ebay!

    Ok, I'm still a bit of novice, but the car has a higher vin than mine indicating a later production, but it has the recessed quarter panel lights of a early car. Script is wrong and those tell-tale black rimmed tail light bezels.
  18. L

    GT/CS Convertible Clone

    They took off the Okie Special script. Or are those old pics?
  19. L

    California Special Registry on E Bay

    Link... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/GT-CS-California-Special-Recognition-Guide-Owner_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34220QQhashZitem130043014996QQihZ003QQitemZ130043014996QQrdZ1
  20. L

    Crocodile hunter meets his match
