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Search results

  1. L

    Number of viewers

    What happened that caused a huge increase in viewers to the site- 145 just now when I logged in! Did I miss something important about our cars??
  2. L

    A Red "Green Hornet"???

    Very cool car. I know it's been said before, but I wish our cars got the shelby nose!
  3. L

    Bed Down for Winter

    It's the most beautiful time of the year here to have the car out and my left foot is in a cast from surgery a few weeks ago! I actually sat in it and tried to do the clutch. I could do it parked, but I don't dare take it out. Doc says a few more weeks!
  4. L

    The Dog Whisperer

    I think he's great. I have worked with animals for almost 20 years. My latest dog is a 2 year old 95# German Shepherd who has issues. I had never had a dog his size before. I started using Cesars basic principals and it has really made a difference. He still has his Norman (as in Bates) moments...
  5. L

    Marti Report Will Be Needed for GT/CS Registry

    I think I sent mine in with my car info, but I'll send another copy.
  6. L

    What was your first car?

    First was a 1965 Pontiac Tempest, second was a '69 Pontiac LeMans. Fun cars.
  7. L

    '67 HCS Convertible on eBay

    I thought 67 and 68 were the same dash?
  8. L

    GT/CS wanted

    Check the ebay listings down the left column. Here's one that fits what you are looking for. Good luck. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260037219477
  9. L

    Please reply to this post

    Email notification???
  10. L

    VOTE NOW for the 2007 Calendar - Ends Friday Sept 29th

    I hope it works. Only 65 votes and how many members are there??
  11. L

    Carwash 101

    What's with the link? No car wash info there and couldn't use browser back to get out of it!
  12. L

    places to go cruising

    This time of year highway 4 in the Sierra foothills is a beautiful drive. Take 4 up and over the pass into Nevada.
  13. L

    gt/cs for sale

    Sorry, my mistake. Both are great looking cars!
  14. L

    gt/cs for sale

    Here's the direct link. Looks like a nice car http://adcache.collectorcartraderonline.com/10/7/3/85888073.htm
  15. L

    Building a car with your daughter?

    I've got 2 girls 7 and 10. I don't do much of the work on our car except keep it clean, but they sure know their facts about the CS! Just today I picked up my 7 year old and a friend of hers in the CS. She goes on and on about how special the car is, less than 4,000 made, etc. She even has an...
  16. L

    Automatic VS Standard

    Absolutely 4 speed manual.
  17. L

    5280 GTCS saying hello!

    That's the best looking 07 CS I've seen. Love the striping and script additions!
  18. L

    ADMIN - Submit your pics for the 2007 Calendar!

    Jon, can you maybe post a list of names of those who sent pics and they are usable? Mine was a 35mm pic I emailed- want to make sure it will be usable in the calander (I'm being hopeful here!)
  19. L

    Champagne CS for sale ...

    I wonder if this is the same car we talked about a few months ago... http://www.californiaspecial.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3312&highlight=champagne
  20. L

    ADMIN - Submit your pics for the 2007 Calendar!

    I just had the CS out today and went down to the Golden Gate to shoot some pics. I did both 35mm and digital, but my digital has not produced the best pics lately. If the 35mm are the better pictures, should I mail them or scan and email?