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Search results

  1. case12

    Using Vintage Plates on Your Classic

    This is a topic frequently discussed on this site, and here is a good article from Hagarty on it. It also directs to a site that gives the rules by each state. Casey http://www.hagerty.com/NewsManager/templates/template3.aspx?articleid=833&zoneid=6
  2. case12

    NOS GT/CS Side Scoop

    Someone was recently looking for a side scoop? This one has the witness line. (not mine) Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/68-Mustang-NOS-California-special-side-scoop_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6763QQitemZ8015123418QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  3. case12

    test new create

    test new create
  4. case12

    Shelby Green Hornets to be for Sale

    I noticed in the latest Shelby American magazine (pg 46) that it appears someone has contracted with Carroll Shelby to build '68 and '69 Shelby continuation cars, including the Green Hornet. Here is the quote (with picture of the Green Hornet). "Not enough Shelbys to go around? SAAC member...
  5. case12

    CS on Ebay

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-GT-CS-1968-Ford-Mustang-GT-CS-California-Special-EXCELLENT_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6236QQitemZ4586792224QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Nice looking CS. Are these the headrests that dealers installed? Should someone add this to the registry see it is...
  6. case12

    Final License Frames - GTCS & HCS

    11/21/11 - ADMIN EDIT - Casey has sold out of the GT/CS frames, but still has some HCS frames. If you're interested please post in this thread or PM me (admin) and I'll put you in contact with him. ----------------------------------------------- Thanks to all your inputs, here are the final two...
  7. case12

    HCS Frame Poll

    I have decided to make HCS frames along with GT/CS frames. HCS people please let me know which of these two you would like. I will likely place the order Monday. Casey
  8. case12

    How Many License Plate Frames

    Based on feedback from the poll, which I have closed now, I have created these two frames with no FORD logo, and sticking to the numbers rarity. If there is enough HCS response, then I will order these two frames. So, now is the time for the HCS brethern to speak up. If there is little HCS...
  9. case12

    License Plate Frames Poll

    Pick one of the above options for your GT/CS, or for your HCS. See other thread on License Plate Frames. See below for pictures. I have to order a minimum of 100 each. So, I will likely order two of the above options. One hundred for the HCS and one hundred for the GT/CS. This is not an...
  10. case12

    Scoop Stripes

    Does it ever happen to you? I look at my stripes, and then the GT/CS stripe on the scope, and depending on the angle, the one's on the scoop look crooked. I have already redone one side and its looks a little better (again, depending on the angle). Some of your cars in the gallery look...
  11. case12

    License Plate Frames - New Thread

    Re:What Dealership Sold Your Car « Reply #27 on: Today at 02:00:40pm » Reply with quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do they still make metal plate frames--new?? What about someone making them for us? The top (smaller) would say: 1968...
  12. case12

    Bob's HCS in Mustang Monthly

    Page 76 of November issue with several HCS's lined up. Bob's car is noted as one of nine 428CJs. Casey
  13. case12

    October 2005 Calendar

    The Presidential Blue CS with the fall leaves on this month's calendar picture is just awesome. Tom, I dont know if you are active on the forum under a user name I dont recognize, but your car is great looking. .....Makes us all proud. Casey
  14. case12

    GTCS or HCS in Mustang Times

    Nice Presidential Blue GT/CS or HCS on page 31 of Mustang Times (look closely in the line up behind the GT350) at Mustang West National Show in Lacey, WA. Someone from this site? Casey
  15. case12


    My wife and I are leaving sunday for a 7 day Alaska cruise for our 20th anniversary. Anyone done this before and have any suggestions? We are not wilderness fly fishing types like Hook - we are more 'love boat' types. Casey
  16. case12

    GT/CS Garage

    Finally finished my summer project and got the garage addition done. Not can easily fit 5 cars in heated garage (6 if another one comes along). This kept the cars under covers for the summer - hated to miss shows, but needed the space bad, especially for winter. Casey
  17. case12

    California Mod Mustang

    Dont know how many of you make it over to the mustangs68 web site, but there was a recent find of a 1968 newspaper ad for a mustang called the California Mod Mustang from an east coast dealer. Looks like all they did was put the GT/CS stripes on the car, but it does make it look a bit like a...
  18. case12

    Nice R Code Mach 1

    This one looks very nice. My guess is this is a pretty good price for this nice of a car? I am tempted. Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1970-MACH-1-R-CODE-428-COBRA-JET-FORD-MARKETING-CAR_W0QQitemZ4572407935QQcategoryZ6236QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  19. case12

    Texas 68 License Plate

    You guys in Texas might like this one. A little pricey though. Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/1967-TEXAS-DEALER-LICENSE-PLATE-1968-FORD-SHELBY_W0QQitemZ6557272104QQcategoryZ14040QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. case12

    CS Registry

    good price...not well marked in ebay, so hard for most to find. not mine....just noticed it. casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1968-68-gt-cs-CALIFORNIA-SPECIAL-96-REGISTRY_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ10076QQitemZ4564983454QQrdZ1