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Search results

  1. case12

    Mustang vs Corporate Ford

    Here is an article that I thought you all would like. Performance (even with a highly successful product) is rarely rewarded unless you are a good corporate politician. I have seen it time and time again. Casey http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/content/11454903471660478567/
  2. case12

    GT/CS Mustang Times - May

    There is a seafoam green GT/CS in the "letters' column of the May Mustang Times in response to the Feb article. Owners are Raymond and Freda Benjamin in Florida. Don't know if they are on the site - but nice looking car. Also there is a column, and picture, on the 2007 GT/CS in the "news and...
  3. case12

    X of 3867

    Well, I finally got my GTCS out yesterday. It hit the 80's here in Chicago (but went back down to the 50's today). The thumbs up on the road, and the smell of oil and gas just make it all worth while (my wife says it stinks, but she doesnt get it). Someone asked me about my license frame...
  4. case12

    NOS Hood Lock Pair - C8ZZ-16C896-A

    Not for the faint of heart - BIN $299. Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/New-Original-1968-Shelby-Mustang-Hood-Pin-Kit_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33693QQitemZ8050692185QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V
  5. case12

    Shelby Sticker

    I may show my ignorance here...but does anyone know what this Shelby sticker is for? What does EELH stand for? Casey
  6. case12


    Thought you all would get a kick out of this. You know the Mustang is taking off when it is offered to your sales force as the prize (company car) for the person making the most sales. This is a Rousch Stage II Mustang with special Motorola stripes - MotoPony. Don, I know I dont get the same...
  7. case12

    Witness Line & No Witness Line

    Someone asked for what a scoop looked like with a witness line, and without a witness line. Since I have one of each, here they are. No witness line on the left. Witness line on the right. Click on picture to make larger. From the picture with the witness line on the right, you can see the...
  8. case12

    2007 GT/CS - Super Bowl Pics

    So, a week has gone by, and still no word that a 2007 GT/CS was at the Super Bowl. I searched and searched and finally found just a small nugget..... I found some pictures with Vida Guerra standing in front of the 2007 GT/CS at a pre-game party. Now, as I tell my wife with my Mustang...
  9. case12

    Price Guide

    Should we update the price guide for new viewers of our site? The last one is 3 years old. I would suggest that good, excellent and concourse would be 2X the 2003 numbers? Some of the options would be 2X also? Casey http://www.californiaspecial.com/priceguide.htm
  10. case12

    Witness Line & No Witness Line

    Somewhere there is a thread where someone asked for what a scoop looked like with a witness line, and without a witness line. Since I have one of each, here they are. No witness line on the left. Witness line on the right. Click on picture to make larger. From the picture with the witness...
  11. case12

    HCS - High Country Special Badges

    For sale on ebay. Not mine, just passing along. (If you can't pry 'em off, then cut 'em off:undecided) Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mustang-rare-High-Country-Special-badges_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34204QQitemZ4608858114QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  12. case12

    CS Hood Twist Locks

    Yikes! I bid $65 for these hoping to pick them up on the cheap as an extra set. I never thought they would sell for $280.00! Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8033018398&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3AEOIBUAA%3AUS%3A11
  13. case12

    GT/CS CJ - R Code

    I just noticed that Scott Adams posted a GT/CS 428 today in the gallery. Welcome Scott. Do you have a deluxe or elite Marti report on your car? - If so, we would love for you to post a picture of it as well. We have been eager to learn more about the R code GT/CS. Casey
  14. case12

    Non-GT Hub Caps

    Good set on ebay. Hard to find originals. Not mine...just passing along. Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1968-69-Mustang-Styled-Steel-Wheel-Centercaps-Original_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34209QQitemZ4601229648QQrdZ1
  15. case12

    eBay - J code with 428

    Here is a nice looking car converted to a 428. I wonder if it is a CS given the front grill, but it does look nice. Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-1968-mustang-gt-california-special_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6236QQitemZ4598848709QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW#ebayphotohosting
  16. case12

    Original 390 fastback with Paperwork

    Original Owner GT 390 fastback. A bit expensive, but seems like a nice find. Not mine. Just passing along. Casey http://westcoastcarconnection.com/moredetails.html?80811758&sitecode=westcoastcarconnection
  17. case12

    GT Wheels and Caps

    Here is a good set of GT wheels and hub caps. Not mine. Just passing along. Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/5-Original-1968-Mustang-Torino-Ford-GT-Chrome-Wheels_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34209QQitemZ4598365042QQrdZ1
  18. case12

    GTCS 390 S Code on Ebay

    Not mine. Just passing along. No Marti Report. 390's dont show up that often. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-1968-Mustang-California-Special-S-code-like-Shelby_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6236QQitemZ4597792900QQrdZ1 Casey
  19. case12

    Marti - Order Type

    On the Deluxe/Elite Marti Report, there is a line called 'Order Types', followed by various order types - what do the different order types mean? I noticed almost all the reports in the gallery say "Stock", and one says "Retail". Mine says "Basic Off-Standard Equipment". Casey
  20. case12

    Marti Report

    After 4 months of waiting, I finally got my Elite report. I guess the expectations for my $220 were too high. I think you would do just as well to get the deluxe report for $45, and the window sticker from mustangstickers.com for $35. The rest with the Elite Report is a door tag (which I...