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Search results

  1. L

    Royal Maroon GT/CS on ebay in Victorville, CA

    I noticed that too. Marti say it's a 3 speed manual but this car is automatic.
  2. L

    Sacramento Market Barbie Dolls

    Too funny! I'm going to forward it to my brother who lives outside Sac.
  3. L

    Color Importance?

    It also depends on what you plan on doing with the car. If you are going to show it or sell it you'll want it original as possible. While I agree one should do with the pleases with their cars, I'm a fan of keeping it as original as possible.
  4. L

    San Francisco

    It might be a possibility. Our summer plans revolve mostly revolve around the kids and their camps, so if we are around, I'd love to come up.
  5. L

    GT/CS For Sale In Texas

    Thanks Rich, I get it now!
  6. L

    GT/CS For Sale In Texas

    So I'm still not clear on the foglight posts. Why do only some cars have the square posts but most seem to have the cylinder posts??
  7. L

    picture of 68c/s dark green

    If Highland Green is the color you are after check my gallery.
  8. L

    San Francisco

    I've got one in my gallery. It's not the best pic. It's on my to do list to get some good shots of the car and the bridge from different locations. I live 10 minutes from the Golden Gate. I't so great to hear a visitors view of the bridge and the Bay Area. I've lived here my whole life and I...
  9. L

    Another strong 289 showing on eBay

    I've never seen so many CS's on ebay. Seems that would sent the price down when you have so many to choose from.
  10. L

    GT/CS For Sale In Texas

    I'm sure this has been talked about but can someone tell me why so many CS's have the tiny square foglight posts? Did some come that way or is it an incorrect restoration? This car has them too and it has a Marti showing it's a true CS. (shoulda kept it Lime Gold IMO...)...
  11. L

    Rare GTCS found on Ebay with Marti Report

    Here's another 1 of 1. Hasn't this one been mentioned in a thread? Seems I remeber the talk of the bench seat. This can't be the only CS with a bench seat. As I read the Marti, it's the only parchment interior with a bench seat, right...
  12. L

    What do you think of these???

    I love the keychians. Can I buy one? Lost my breast cancer survivor mom to lung cancer 3 years ago. I'm all for anything that supports finding a cure for this horrid disease.
  13. L

    2008 GT/CS Guide - Warriors in Pink

    It looks like the warriors in pink is a nod to breast cancer survivors? I hope a portion of the cost of the cars goes to reasearch, otherwise Ford is just jumping on the bandwagon.
  14. L

    68 C/s For Sale On Ebay

    Here's the link. It would be nice to see a Highland Green back on the road. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&viewitem=&item=180110915537
  15. L

    Red J-Code on eBay

    The way I read the Marti is that it's the only Candyapple red, parchment interior with a bench seat. If my memory is correct I remember a blue (not sure which blue) CS, blue interior with a bench seat. Beautiful car none the less....
  16. L

    J code C/S on Ebay

    I'll bet it's this one. Nice looking car. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&viewitem=&item=290103157917
  17. L

    40th Anniv.GT/CS Registry Decals

    I guess I'll be the first to chime in on the latest decal idea and hopefully not raise too many hackles. I wouldn't use it. Ford didn't wait until '08 to come out with the "anniversary" remake of the CS so the new model has nothing to do with our cars turning 40! If they do a anniversary...
  18. L

    Buttercup's award

    Yay Buttercup!
  19. L

    40th Anniv.GT/CS Registry Decals

    Separate decals for sure. Not to offend the owners of the late models. I've never even seen one! I live just north of SF and I thought for sure they would show up around here, but not yet. That earlier post about the new cars bringing attention to our cars makes me laugh. It's the other way...
  20. L

    Do you where your seats belts in your 68 CS/HCS?

    Mine is an April car so I guess it should have them. It had a new headliner when I got it so I bet the last owner just never put them back in.