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2006 Calendar - Winners selected


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar

David you have a very nice car but the reason why I did`nt vote for yours is because I just did`nt believe it was a good picture. I like to see detail. Also, I like to see a car with a good stance. Yours is lower in the back than in the front. Its supposed to have an engine in it right? The blacktop it is sitting on blends with the color of the car and washes it out. Also the advertising in the background just should`nt be there. I understand that you have slicks on the back, but could`nt you get rims that at least matched? I don`t know anything about tires so maybe they don`t have rims for slicks like they do for the front tires? I know you will do better next year. Keep on trying,k? :) Rhonda


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2004
San Fernando Valley, California
Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar

Sorry if I came off like an A-hole..."berating others for their personal tastes"--look I can understand that if someone doesnt like the wheels I have on my car thats fine they dont have to vote for it, I am the same way in that I look at a car and say "hmm i dont like the wheels", but its not like my car is ghetto and thats why i have different wheels on it, their is a reason that i dont have my matching wheels on the car(I Do have matching rims)....everyone has their own opinions on things and i should respect them and I usually do...but i think some of us are just missing the point...there should not be a concern that the wheels dont match..the focus should be something like this: Wow a GTCS racing at a track in Southern California with slicks on the back?!--thats cool.

I understand that you have slicks on the back, but could`nt you get rims that at least matched? I don`t know anything about tires so maybe they don`t have rims for slicks like they do for the front tires? I know you will do better next year. Keep on trying,k? Rhonda

--Rhonda, No the rims dont match because the front rims have to be 17" to clear the brakes.. The rims I have for my slicks are 15" rims that are polished aluminum and weigh 14lbs. which is why i used them...They arent the same but both are shiny...I dont think it looks bad at all and noone else has ever complained.

Everyone needs to understand that the background in the picture is AT THE RACETRACK! People who are in southern california can recognize where my car is in that picture. Sure it takes away from the focus on the car and you guys think its a "bad" picture because of it...but i think its a great picture and so does the Administrator...he said it really captures the feeling of being at the dragstrip. That was my intention to have a different picture in the calendar as opposed to everyone else who has a great shot of their CS with a natural background.

I know that my car doesnt sit right in that the front is higher than the back...there is still a lot of money i need to spend on this car, one of the next things is a different set of springs to drop the car at least 1.5 inches.

Next time i submit a picture...even if i had a cloud of smoke comin off the back of the car...it still would have that "distracting" background...why? because im at the racetrack...those advertisements are part of the atmosphere.

No im not advertising torque converters or a radio station.

I want to apologize if I said some things that "berate others personal tastes" I know next year noone will want to vote for me because of what has been said here...Nothing that was said changed the voting and the calendar...and its okay...not making the calendar isnt the end of the world...and all this discussion was not about convincing people to vote for my car...I just wanted to clear things up about the picture...the comment about the "mismatched wheels" makes me feel like my car is "cheap" like "the wheels dont even match, this car shouldnt even be considered" And that made me think that is what you were thinking...but maybe you didnt realize that there is a reason why the wheels are different and i wasnt trying to hide this fact...it was part of the reason i submitted this picture because it might be the best picture i have with my car with slicks on it.

im sorry i submitted this picture, my car isnt half as nice as everyone elses cars...part of the reason i chose this picture is because from this distance you cant see all the cracks and imperfections. I would have attempted to submit a better picture if i would have known that the picture was soooo terrible...the one comment given to me about this picture was "its a great picture it really captures the feeling of being at the dragstrip" and i liked the picture and everyone who has seen it has said what a great picture it is...that is why i submitted it.

Thanks to all who spent their time to reply on why they didnt vote for it, i dont hold your opinions against you in any way and even though i dont agree with some of them i do appreciate that you explained your reasoning.

let me just ask one more question: Does the fact that the wheels are different (knowing that the rims i have on the back are for slicks), really look that bad?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar

David, I grew up in an extemely poor county in Washington and I now live in Houston where I drive through some areas that are.....shall we say.....not developed to their full potential, so to me seeing different rims just clicks a button in my brain that says "used wheel store". Like I mentioned before, the first picture I clicked on was yours because of the race track setting but my own personal life experiences won't let me get past the wheels. Sort of a Pavlov thing, I guess.

I think you have a great looking car and I also think it would be the perfect car to use in the calendar as an example of a mild restomod, which IMHO we badly need. For me that picture isn't it.

You are also fighting demographics. I'm willing to guess that the majority of the posters on this site are males in their 40s who think our cars should be restored to original or as close as possible.

Please don't think that any of us would not vote for your car in the future just because of this lively discussion. I hope we're not that shallow. Hell, I'm not even mad at the guy who accused me of insurance fraud any more! ;D

Just be proud of the fact that you submitted a picture. Apparently most of us (including me) didn't.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar

I would be up for putting a new picture in it's place.

Only requirements are no billboard and a HUGE cloud of tire smoke.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar

I feel like I have to put my 2 cents in. First of all, you should not be sorry for submitting your picture. At least you got your picture in! How many of us are there on the list and how many pictures are there? This whole thing comes down to preference. Don't worry so much about it. For me, I prefer a stock car with no modifications. Yeah, your car looks cool and it would even better coming off the line but people still may not vote for it because like me they prefer stock. No big deal, just a preference. So keep your car the way YOU like it and don't worry so much what other people think.



Well-known member
Jul 24, 2005
Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar

Chill people Chill, everyone step back and take a deep breath, 8)


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2002
Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar

[quote author=twoclassics link=board=1;threadid=2184;start=15#msg15014 date=1128567611]
Chill people Chill, everyone step back and take a deep breath, 8)

My sentiments exactly...

4118 some gt/cs cars
This site has 718 registered members
21 calendar submissions
54 voters... so far
You do the math, and remember you can't please all the people all the time.

Just the fact that you have a car that is nice enough to submit for the calendar vote is a awesome thing. When I first got mine 21 years ago, only 3 or 4 GT/CS cars would be at the Knotts berry farm Mustang show, and people didn't even recognize what our special cars were. Thanks to Paul Newitt and our awesome web administrator Jon, we now have a place to share stories and info about our cars. Isn't that great? Darn right, heck members here are working to get Judges the correct info for concourse cars at major shows. This is what its all about.

Stock or modified we love these cars, because of the rarity. Mine is modified and the paint is not the best, but I still take it to local shows and cruise nites, and submit a pic for calendar voting. If you don't make the calendar big deal, just be happy there is now a calendar of our special cars.


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2004
San Fernando Valley, California
Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar

Posted by: jbsteven Posted on: 10/05/05 08:05 PM
I would be up for putting a new picture in it's place.

Only requirements are no billboard and a HUGE cloud of tire smoke.

Hahahaha...this is the only picture I have with tire smoke and slicks spinning...

but i actually do have some great news for me...My mechanic called and the Baer Rear Brake upgrades are in! Im washin the car and bringing it in tomorrow. Red Calipers with cross drilled/slotted zinc washed rotors. At the same time im replacing the front pads and having them install a hurst roll control line lock system! This way i'll really be able to produce a huge cloud of smoke and i'll post for all to see


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2004
San Fernando Valley, California
Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar

here it is


  • burnout_in_mustang.JPG
    32.8 KB · Views: 44


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar

Here's my take on all this for what it's worth. I think your car is awesome David, I like the front higher than the back and in reality that's the way I remember the original Mustangs from the factory and as for different wheels that's the way it is in racing and I support that as well. I personally don't care if the car is concours or stock or modified.

Next year I'll vote the same as I did this year, for the cars that I think present themselves the best based on the photo. I'd gladly vote for your car next year if the picture does a good job of presenting your car based on my criteria, I wouldn't even care if the background was the billboard that took me out of voting for your car this year as long as the car was the center of attention and the billboard was a small item in the background. I just think the picture you submitted this year was overwhelmed with the billboard and not the car.

I appreciate your appology and I think Steve put it very well in his description. I consider Steve a personal friend and I didn't vote for his car based on I didn't care for the picture he submitted. In all honesty I didn't even try to figure out whose car was whose as I voted, I looked over the pictures and picked the ones that presented the car the best in my opinion. I'll do the same next year if we do the calendar. I will make one change next year, if I make the calendar this year I won't submit a photo next year as I think everyone deserves a shot at being in the calendar and once I'm in I'll have my calendar with my car.

Thanks to Jon for going to all the trouble of doing it I appreciate his efforts.



Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar

If I can throw in my 2 cents too.

First off I think all the pics and cars were great.


I think you're car is great and represents a different look and mods for a CS. The thing that got me was the billboards as well. Not that there were billboards in the pick ... I think they distracted from the car.

For what it's worth, maybe a pic of the car further from the billboards, where they are more setback and not overpowering the car would make the car the "star" of the picture and the setting ... well just that ... the setting it's in ... a race track.

I'm a huge race fan and appreciate the look of the track ... I think the billboards overpowered the car and took away from it.

Just a thought but the billboards did it for me too. Maybe billboards that aren't so distracting ... again ... the car should be the focus of the pic for a car calendar.

I didn't get my pics in this year by my own lack of time. My car isn't perfect either by no means but I'm hoping for another calendar next year and I'll give it a shot.
Heck we still have to know what day it is in 2007 don't we? ;D

Good luck with your mods and runs at the track. Keep us posted on the progress and results!!



Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Re:VOTE NOW - 2006 Calendar

Sorry for taking so long to post the results. :(

Part of the reason it's late is because I had to sift through the results and toss out so many entries. Out of 73 voters, 24 of them were invalid! ??? A few only voted for one person, but the rest weren't forum members. 6 of the voters were tossed out because they were all accounts that signed up the same day, within minutes of each other all from the same IP address. ::) Very disheartening that someone would try to cheat at something as silly as this.

Anyway, luckily the "adjusted" votes made virtually no difference in the results, although it did break a tie for 13th place.

So the final results are below. I'm emailing them right now to get some basic info and then hopefully I'll get the proof started this weekend.















Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Not that it was implied, but just for the record my CS was tied for 13th, and I only voted one time and did not create any new user names. Yes, I live in Chicago, but I have no dead aunts or dead uncles that voted ;)

Congratulations to everyone - all cars deserved to be in the calendar!! Casey


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2002
Folsom, CA
All of the cars looked so good, all are "winners"! Is there going to be a montage of the rest of the cars, like last year? Congratulations to everyone that submitted photos.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
[quote author=case12 link=board=1;threadid=2184;start=30#msg15749 date=1129814602]
Not that it was implied, but just for the record my CS was tied for 13th, and I only voted one time and did not create any new user names. Yes, I live in Chicago, but I have no dead aunts or dead uncles that voted ;)

Congratulations to everyone - all cars deserved to be in the calendar!! Casey

And I even posted a message that they let your car in rather than mine when we were tied in an effort to break the tie without anyone having to make a decision, I'd have been fine waiting till next year. That said, having been the one that came out on top of the tie the fact that I made it this year I won't enter the mix next year so others have more of a shot.



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Cory - I am cool with it. It was really nice of you to even make the offer in the first place. Next year I want to get a pro picture of mine with the Chicago skyline in the background. That should do it. Casey


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
[quote author=case12 link=board=1;threadid=2184;start=30#msg15763 date=1129838051]
Cory - I am cool with it. It was really nice of you to even make the offer in the first place. Next year I want to get a pro picture of mine with the Chicago skyline in the background. That should do it. Casey

You can count on my vote! You have a beautiful car.



Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
I agree. The cars all look fantastic!!! Congrats to all the winners. ;D

Jon: Thanks for your work on this! We all appreciate it.



Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Those are some GREAT looking cars. I am jealous of everyone. Congrats to all who put their cars in the voting. I can't wait to get my calendar.
