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. Bob Teets retires


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
After many years as register of the HCS registry Bob Teets has decided it is time to pass the torch. I was humbled and honored to be asked to except this responsibility which I have excepted.

Thank you Bob for the countless hours of searching out HCS cars and bits of information about them. I will do my best to pick up where you left off.

Bob kept the registry on 3X5 cards, a family friend Willis Scharmer has taken the cards and transferred the information on to a Excel spread sheet.
That will make maintaining the registry much easier. Thank you! Willis for all of your hard work.
Willis will be handling the manufacturing of the 66-67 badges, 68 decals, 68 fog light pedestals and the sales of them. You can contact him at Willis Scharmer at hcsmustangs@aol.com .

You can contact me at
Marty Rupp
101 Present View Circle
Weeping Water NE. 68463


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
This is a Win-Win arrangement: One super guy passing the baton to another super guy. :smile:
I had the pleasure of meeting Bob on a few occasions when I ventured out west. (Had a great ride in his 428 HCS, getting lost on the L.A. freeway. :eek: Diesel Donna rescued us via cell phone and directed us to the Ford dealer.) Bob is an all-round good guy that loves Mustangs.

Marty's expertise will be invaluable for us all with his knowledge of our Special breed of Mustangs. (Marty- I'm all signed up for the Myrtle Beach MCA show)

I hope everyone appreciates these 3 key players for our site: Mike Jewell for the GT/CS Registry, Marty Rupp for the HCS Registry, and Jon for maintaining the website.

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robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Bob Teets came to my house and he is such a great guy. Passing this on to Marty is such a great fit! Two wonderful men with a common passion and drive.

Coupled to Mike Jewell we have an unbeatable team to preserve the registry for our cars! And also thanks to Jon for the site and its friendly and knowledgeable people.



Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
I was very pleased to hear the Teets family had selected Marty to take the helm from Bob. I feel Marty will do a great job and I look forward to working with him as I did with Bob. Mike


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2007
Mixed emotions

We are sad to see Bob retire, but glad that Marty has agreed to take over the HCS registry.

We first met Bob at the Steamboat Mustang show in 2000. Our Mustang would not look the way it does today without Bob's help and input.

Bob: We are forever grateful for your advise, help and friendship over the years.

Carol & Dave


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
A huge thank you to both Bob and Marty!

Bob, all of us HCS owners owe you so much for tirelessly tracking down these rare cars and cataloging them for all these years. You've brought a lot of passion to the task and I know it's rubbed off on so many of us owners. So thank you and enjoy your well deserved retirement!

Marty, thank you for stepping up and accepting the torch as it's passed down. You'll be an excellent Registrar and keep Bob's passion going. I already love where you're going with it; modernizing to better access all those years of data. Let me know if you need any help.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
What a great community we have here. More than just car people. Thanks to everyone for the kind words.

Thanks to Marty Rupp for accepting the responsibility as the new HCS Registrar. To step away was a tough decision, but it stings less knowing it's in such good hands.

A special thanks to Willis Scharmer. He is a HCS encyclopedia with a passion for these cars going back 30+ years. Willis drove from Albuquerque to Denver to pick up 1,000 plus index cards that comprised the registry so as not to take any chances with shipping. He then as Marty stated spent countless hours organizing and putting every note and detail from them into excel format and modernizing the Registry. We also appreciate him continuing on with supplying decals and other repro parts needed for these cars. Willis posts here under hcsmustangs. Please welcome him to the community.

These are two great car enthusiasts involved in this endeavor and it's much appreciated.

Bob Teets & family.