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1968 Dealership


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
Would like to know if any body knows of a dealer in Manhattan Beach California this is were the car I have was purchase Does any body have any info the address and name is IRA ESCOBAR Ford on 1500 SEPULVEDA Bld if any body has any info or items from that Dealer I would be glad to pay you something for the items Thanks Tom Wisconsin


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
Hi, i do not have any items for you, but i have been in a similar situation.

join every mustang related forum and ask the same question. someone may have something, but don't expect anything quickly. i had most success from a post i put on the FE forum and it took 18months before i heard anything. then some more info on a racing forum after i found pics of cars sponsored by the dealership...

get searching for any and all mustang related sites, plus ebay, cl, etc...

Do heaps of googling and see if you can find similar car owners, and see what they know.

Goodluck! its a long shot at finding something, but it is rewarding when you hit the jackpot!


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia

"After the GT40s were finished racing, Shelby took over a showroom on Sepulveda which had been previously occupied by Ira Escobar Ford. Escobar had moved south to Manhattan Beach. I went in the showroom on one occasion, and they were almost giving away the cars.
They were clapped out racers, and I don't recall the $4000 price someone mentioned earlier, but it was someplace in the vicinity of that figure."

Sounds like the Sepulveda address and Manhatten Beach are two separate sites.



Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
just want to thank you for getting back for some info Tom From WIsconsin


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
I have had some fairly good result by creating an eBay search with my dealers name.

I have over time got notified of license plate frames for sale (I already had a set from Donna - (thanks again!) :cool:)

Also a number of keychains have come up as well. I did purchase a set of keyrings.

Norma Thompson

New member
Jul 28, 2014
Escobar Ford

Hi, I worked at Ira Escobar Ford at 1500 Sepulveda Bl., Manhattan Beach, CA from 1970 thru 1980. They sadly went out of business during the major gas shortage we had, they just couldn't sell off the gas hogs of that era. I remember lots of Ford LTD's with fancy landau tops fading in the sun. It was a great place to work. Ira Escobar Sr. started selling Ford model Ts in El Segundo from a tiny lot. There were pictures of this original lot on the showroom walls. As business kept growing, they moved to a bigger "modern" showroom, with a huge service dept., parts dept. and body shop. This was sometime in the 60s. When I started there in 1970, Ira Escobar Jr. was running things. They employed approx. 80 people. I have somewhere in my garage some Ford promo water glasses I found up in the parts warehouse, but all I can remeber is the image of a Ford Fairlane on 1 of the glasses. I have a lot of fond memories of my time there.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I'll keep my eyes open when I go to our local swap meets here in SoCal! I haven't found anything for anybody in a very long time, seems like I found lots of stuff at one time but now it's all dried up. I keep a wrinkled old piece of paper with a "wants" list on it in my swap meet purse. Have everybody's wants and their contacts.
Nice information Norma!