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1968 Family visit...


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
You're right Tim. It was a wonderful visit, albeit way to short!! Another fabulous meal at TJ's Roadhouse and a really fun drive past Rollins Lake. It was so good to see Steve again and finally meet his wonderful wife Deb. Their grandaughter is a real sweetheart and we all had a really great time! I don't have too many pictures to add since you used my camera most of the time, but I do have these. Notice I captured Steve's "best" side :grin:

Also Tim, Thank you for turning the 390 over to me on the way back to your place. I was a bit nervous at first, but after I got used to it, I had a BLAST!!

Sharon, I love those shoes! Not only are they cute as heck, but they are actually comfortable to wear too!!


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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Fun times, wish I was there. I can assure you if we go through the area we'll be dropping in for a hello as well.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Thanks Renee'. I'm sure everyone really needed that shot! :cheesy: Yes, I was conservative, and didn't get any respect! Unfamiliar car, unfamiliar road, precious cargo on board, and the whole time Vanessa was going "Come on Grandpa. You can do better than this!" Then I catch the same thing from Tim when we pull over. For the record, I did lose sight of the chase car and backed off twice, even going easy on the throttle. I have to admire the way the 390 pulled through the gears. Second gear scratch and then two chirps just playing with the throttle a little. Tim, once again, thanks for the ride. Oh yeah, I made it home in one piece about 2 hours ago. Great trip. The waterfalls at Yosemite were amazing!


PS. Notice the pic of me giving the car keys to Vanessa? Tim almost didn't get his car back!

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Thanks Renee'. I'm sure everyone really needed that shot! :cheesy: Yes, I was conservative, and didn't get any respect! Unfamiliar car, unfamiliar road, precious cargo on board, and the whole time Vanessa was going "Come on Grandpa. You can do better than this!" Then I catch the same thing from Tim when we pull over. For the record, I did lose sight of the chase car and backed off twice, even going easy on the throttle. I have to admire the way the 390 pulled through the gears. Second gear scratch and then two chirps just playing with the throttle a little. Tim, once again, thanks for the ride. Oh yeah, I made it home in one piece about 2 hours ago. Great trip. The waterfalls at Yosemite were amazing!


PS. Notice the pic of me giving the car keys to Vanessa? Tim almost didn't get his car back!

Steve, Tim, Renee',
I am "green" with envy of your short and fun filled visit. Not necessarily "lime gold", but wish I could have been there!! Or, you were up here!

Steve, we were separated at birth!!! Tim, you are the best host in the world! Renee', you put a smile on all you meet!

Midnight Special

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...Oh, but to have been able to plan, Rob! We could've brought out more cars, introduced Deb and Vanessa to more fine folks, watch Renee do the BBQ, load up Steve's SUV with a bunch of '71 parts I have here....and drive, drive, drive! 'Not to make you jealous, but to keep you proud :)

I arrived towards the end of their lunch at Colfax. Across the street from TJ's Cafe was a Taco Bell that happened to be on fire before I drove up! It was a good thing I was as late, because I would've assumed Renee was doing the cooking again and I only had three extinguishers with me.

Nonetheless, it was clear that Steve had packed a busy schedule with many wonderful stops for his family and we were never more grateful for the short time we had with them!

And Steve - don't feel bad!... While Vanessa was saying "Come on Grandpa..." I was yelling at Renee to "get the lead out!" She opted for the high road to be considerate of Debbie (following in the SUV) instead. ...To think of where we would be without the "precious cargo" you speak of....>


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Yes, it was a busy 11 days. We did Crater Lake, the Redwoods, the tourist traps at Fishermans Wharf (Never take 2 women to a chocolate factory. It'll cost more than your hotel bill), Yosemite, the Northern Ca. CS group (that had to be on the list), Lake Tahoe and Reno. Deb isn't as adventurous behind the wheel as I am. Going down Hwy 1, I was told that an Escape was not an Indy car and I was not an Indy driver. I thought I was doing a fair imitation, but oh well. One of these days all the stars will align right, and there will be the sounds of revving engines and squealing tires in the Northern Ca. night air.


PS. I have to say TJ's has the best hamburgers and homemade chips! Excellent choice Renee'. :wink:


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca

I must admit that Tim was urging me to "step on it" and catch up to you, but I am not too comfortable on winding roads that I don't know that well, and at one point, when I tried, I couldn't catch you :embarass: I also did not want to lose sight of Deb in my rear view mirror. Didn't want you to get in trouble for losing her ;-)

We had a wonderful time and I really wish it could have lasted a bit longer! Afterwards I was talking to Tim about possibly doing another Nor Cal get together next year... :wink:

P.S. Steve, I couldn't resist posting that shot of you. Especially since you made a comment just before I took the shot ;-)
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