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For Sale: Stevenson GT/CS


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
I know many of you will not believe this, however, Zach and I have decided to sell our GT/CS. We are in the process of building a new AC Cobra Replica and are short on space to store both cars.

I thought this would be the best forum to "test" the market for our car. If we are unsucessful in selling the car, we will keep the GT/CS and find a place to store it.

To tell you a little bit about our car. We started the restoration in Nov 2003 and completed the restoration in Feb 2005. We did most of the work ourselves with the exception of the engine build, seats restored and body paint/clear coat. The car was a complete mess when we brought it to our shop. We removed the rear quarters, rear main frame rails, rockers, floor boards, and wheel wells and replaced with new. We made all attempts to bring the car back to original condition per the documented Marti report. It is a 289 car, automatic, console, MS, PB, marchal fog lights car.

We have the Elite Marti Report. Our Marti Report is posted on the Gallery Sites on this site. The car is an original DSO 53 car here in Kansas City. It is documented as 1 of 2 with these exact options.

For those of you who are not familiar with our car, the restoration is pretty well documented on both gallery's (red on left side) and above gallery link on this site. I invite you to visit both galleries and let me know if you have questions.

We have truly enjoyed showing this car at local shows. Below is a list of car shows we have attended and placed:

Mar 2005 - 45th Annual World of Wheels - KC, MO - Outstanding in Class
Feb 2006 - 46th Annual World of Wheels - KC, MO - Outstanding in Class
Feb 2007 - 47th Annual World of Wheels - KC, MO - Best in Class
Feb 2008 - 48th Annual World of Wheels - KC, MO - Outstanding in Class

May 2005 - 24th Annual Mustang-Cobra Show - 2nd Place in Class
May 2006 - 25th Annual Mustang-Cobra Show - 1st Place & Best of Show
May 2005 - 1st Plattsburg Annual Car Show - Top 25 Car
Jul 2005 - NMRA Auto Show & Shine - KC, MO - Top 20 Ford (Sat)
Jul 2005 - NMRA Auto Show & Shine - KC, MO - Top 20 Ford (Sun)
Sept 2005 - 6th Annual K.C. Cruisers Car Show - 1st Place & Club Choice
Sept 2006 - 7th Annual K.C. Cruisers Car Show - 1st Place
Oct 2005 - Smithville United Methodist Church Show - 2nd Place
May 2006 - 1st Annual Lawson Car Show - Best of Show
Jul 2006 - The Midwest Ford Fest Show - Top 25 Ford
Sept 2007 - The Midwest Ford Fest Show - Top 25 Ford
Oct 2006 - 2nd Annual Turney Days Car Show - Peoples Choice Award
Oct 2006 - 2nd Annual Dare/Cat Car Show - 2nd Place in Class

I have included a photo of the trophies and plaques we have won over the past 3 years.

Our car has been selected by the members of this site to be featured in the GT/CS calendar for December 2006, July 2007, and July 2008. It was also featured in the Kansas City Star paper and on a local ACCKC website for the restoration.

We were also asked by Greenlight to provide photo's and a paint chip of our car for the diecast. I have a letter from Greenlight documenting that the car was used for the Acapulco Blue diecast car. I have attached a scan of the letter with the photo's below.

I have provided a disk to Paul N. for his work on the new GT/CS book. It is my hope that a few of our restoration pictures will make the new book.

We believe our GT/CS is a very special car. In getting the car ready for World of Wheels, we completely touched up the undercarriage to make like new.

If you are interested in our GT/CS or have questions or comments, please PM me. I can provide more details about the restoration or current condition of the car. We do have a lift and are able to put the car up so someone can see the condition of the car.

Our asking price for the car is $44,900.00.



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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
First let me pick myself up off the floor... :eek:

Wow! I never thought I'd see the day you sold your CS.

I know how much it means to you guys and all you put into it. The pictures show that. I can't imagine how tough it was to arrive at the decision.

Having said all that and I'm sure more of that will follow from others...

Best of luck in selling it. Everyone here should know what was put into this car and the condition of it. If I was in the market and had the finances it would be a no brainer.

I, and I'm sure others here, held your car up as something to shoot for with my own and made us believe that anything (car wise) could be resurrected.

p.s. You'll still be stopping by to say hi I hope!


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
Rich and Donna

You both are way to kind!!! It was a very difficult decision and not one that I have taken lightly. I am still very much on the fence but feel it is best for the car to go to a new home instead of long term storage.

Once again, I very much appreciate the way folks have enjoyed this car and the positive things said about it.



Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
Needless to say, I was shocked when I opened up the CS website tonight and spotted your post. Paul, I know the labor you and Zach put into your car was a adventure and labor of love for the CS. I know car interests change and sometimes for various reasons, one must move on to other challenges. I know your car was build with 100% quality and whoever buys it will have a jewel of Mustang history. It's worth every bit of your asking price and probably more. Since I live to the south of you, I was really hoping to see the car someday when I made it up to KC. Good luck with the Cobra project and best wishes for a successful sale of your cool GT/CS.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...Paul, I was shocked to hear also, but then got to thinking...

What possible conquests could remain for you, Zach and your immaculate GT/CS?

You began with a car that most would've never considered for restoration; made us all feel as part of it with your photogenic and friendly updates; you shared all knowledge, experience (and spare parts;-) with a generous standard of excellence every step of the way; you confidently entered into all those shows and proudly accepted all those awards, while continuing to remind us of just how special ownership can be with still more photos, anecdotes and warm-hearted enthusiasm!

You're offering much more than perhaps the best documented, most pristine and well loved CS!

You're offering a true legend!!



Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
I very much appreciate everyone's comments about our car. I am also interested in other forum members comments about if the price - considering history and restoration of this car is fair or unfair.

I trust the folks on this site to provide honest feedback.

Please let me know your thoughts.



Well-known member
Apr 17, 2006
I very much appreciate everyone's comments about our car. I am also interested in other forum members comments about if the price - considering history and restoration of this car is fair or unfair.

I trust the folks on this site to provide honest feedback.

Please let me know your thoughts.


Paul, I really wasn't going to comment, since if I have nothing positive to add, not to say it. Since you are asking, please understand that this is my objective opinion.

I have looked at many cars over the years, and in certain situations, I had asked opinions of may other before deciding whether to purchase or not.

I for one will always pay more for a car that is finished to a high degree, which obviously yours is. There is a big difference in opinion the term restored. To many, it is a coat of paint, and some new covers on the seats, and some ACC carpet, to others like myself is the attention to all the little details. From the pictures I have seen, yours is exactly that.

This being said, I like the CS's and maybe one day if I find the right one, I may purchase. To the members on this site, please don't take this as a knock, because I see it on many boards. As owner enthusiasts , most, not all, but most will be jaded in their opinions. I see this on the various Saleen boards I visit since I am a Saleen owner.

Personally, I feel the asking price is high. All the trophies and awards may mean something to the enthusiast, but to the collector, the person who may be willing to spend $45K for your car, they are window dressing.

If you look at sales the past year, other then the one that has traded hands at Barrett the past year or two, the selling prices of these things have not approached anywhere near what you are wanting for the car. Now if this was a FE car, then I can see it, but unfortunately, it is not.

I am very much in the same boat as you with my '67 GTA. The car is extremely well done. I probably have more into the restoration of the gauge's, steering wheel, all the brightwork and all new glass then most people have into their complete restoration. I would say I easily have $70K into the car at this point, and I would be lucky to get $40-42K for the car.

In many ways I can kick myself in the arse for letting it get so far out of hand, considering I could own a real nice 68.5 for what I have into it.

The trend on most classic Mustangs is not upwards, if anything they are flat or traveling down. I am sure many can point to Ebay auction or BJ where there is the exception to the rule, but if you look at the market conditions right now, they are not on the upwards trends. 68/69 CJ's last year would easily bring 6 figures, now a well done one is on life support just to bring $75-80K for the same car that a year ago would have brought the big 6.

I won't say what I feel is a fair price for the car, only because it is not my place, but I really feel the price is on the very high end of where the market is.

As a fair example, Tom Mynes just recently sold his 1968 Fastback, which was a multiple MCA Thoroughbred winner, still having the factory exhaust, date coded correct original Autolite battery, correct dated coded tires, even and an assembly line air and oil filter. I would have bought the car, except I got there a day late. The car was a J code car, but it has a lot of high end pedigree. Bottom line, I could have bought the car for $48K. Two years ago, I would bet even as a small block, this car would have easily sold for $60-$65K.

Any equal Fastback versus a coupe, will sell for $15-20K more. Add maybe $5K in for the special status of the CS, I hope this gives you an idea where I may be coming from.

Please understand, this is my heartfelt honest opinion. Others will probably disagree, so please see this as my objective thoughts.

gt bandit

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2005
Perth , Western Australia
The car is worth what the buyer is prepared to pay IMHO , i see a lot of cars get sold at better than market prices.

But i think your right about timing , its not pretty for the muscle car market in America right now.
Cars online list grows daily with many under last years value.

But like any cycle , it will turn around and then $45k will look cheap.

shaun - who missed jason's maroon C code by 2 weeks , ended up with Black CJ/J oh well i am not complaining !!

Life its all about timing


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
Both great comments and I am very glad you posted them. Very nicely said!! You may well be right in saying the market is such that does not allow the GT/CS to be sold for this price. However, I got nothing but time. :)

Thanks again for your responses. Exactly what I wanted.


Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...The value is in the difference. To me; a consciencous seller is as vital as an aware buyer. Full disclosure and ability to answer all questions backed w/ documentation and complete history adds value ie; buyer confidence that there will be no suprises...

If Paul simply put this out there (and if I were in buying mode) I would offer him substantially less, citing today's market vs. yesterday's and all that "RedGTvert" so thoughtfully stated.

But I've come to observe Paul's character and devotion to this project (and the predictable results) to say in this case; that if I were a serious collector, and did not want to do a restoration myself, (understanding it would cost me that $70K+) >> that this would be a very strong candidate. The same would be true if a handful of others put their cars up for sale here (an important benefit we have on this site;-)

The current inflationary cycle means many people have le$$ to spend, but not necessarily that the car is worth any less.

Patience, creative marketing (with the awards;-) and time...........
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Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
I know many of you will not believe this, however, Zach and I have decided to sell our GT/CS. We are in the process of building a new AC Cobra Replica .....

...Speaking of Cobras; While researching Shelby (Little Red and Green Hornet) history last night, I happened on this site...


Huge collection of Shelby interviews, authentic Cobra history and the 427...
The Jay Leno / Bill Cosby interview is a "must see" ;-)


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
I keep checking back to see if you've sold your beautiful car, and each time I see it I wish graduation were sooner. It is my personal goal to add an original '68 to my two car garage to keep my '08 GT/CS from becoming lonely. I'm just dreaming here, but does anyone know how much it costs to ship a car from Montana to Washington State?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I'm just dreaming here, but does anyone know how much it costs to ship a car from Montana to Washington State?

Depending on where in Montana it is, probably between $500 and $1,000 but if it's driveable, you're welcome to have it delivered to my house, fly in to Spokane and drive it home. Might save a little money.



Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
I keep checking back to see if you've sold your beautiful car, and each time I see it I wish graduation were sooner. It is my personal goal to add an original '68 to my two car garage to keep my '08 GT/CS from becoming lonely. I'm just dreaming here, but does anyone know how much it costs to ship a car from Montana to Washington State?

Just go to http://passport.fedex.com/

They are one of the best, I've used them and other people on the site have used them as well and everyone has been happy with them.

You can get a quote for shipping right on their site click "Get a Quote".
No obligation and no one will call you. They are usually at the lower end of the shipping costs for the big name shippers. It will give you a good idea.

This link allows you to request multiple quotes from a number of companies via email

Here is an example of FedEx vs DAS from my experience and from another thread...

Not exact prices but it went something like this.
DAS - open trailer top of the trailer was $1400
DAS - enclosed trailer door to door $1600+
Passport/FedEx - enclosed trailer door-to-door $1000

This was for NC to NY

Top of the trailer on an open truck is a plus to avoid a lot of debris kicking up on the car and if the car above you has a leak it has nowhere to go but on your car on the bottom


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
I keep checking back to see if you've sold your beautiful car, and each time I see it I wish graduation were sooner. It is my personal goal to add an original '68 to my two car garage to keep my '08 GT/CS from becoming lonely. I'm just dreaming here, but does anyone know how much it costs to ship a car from Montana to Washington State?

Sorry, I haven't been checking the site lately as I have been on business travel. Arlie is correct, my car is in Kansas City, MO. I still have it and haven't been pushing the sale of the car. I am bringing home my cobra build sometime in the next 2-3 weeks.

Let me know if you would like to provide a bid for the car.

Thanks in advance



Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
I forgot I posted here too, sorry! I received a bid on my house's exterior restoration project for $27K. My 1928 bungalow is great, but so is an original GT/CS. I'm sadly going to have to wait on the car.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I forgot I posted here too, sorry! I received a bid on my house's exterior restoration project for $27K. My 1928 bungalow is great, but so is an original GT/CS. I'm sadly going to have to wait on the car.

Wow Amy...I just bought a 1928 house also! Cool beans huh! I love it.
I have a 68 but not an 08 yet.....maybe I should think about selling the old Suburbanator for a down payment.....hmmmmmm!