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Galpin GT/CS 40th ANNIV. DETAILS for 4/19 EVENT


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
where are the updates and pics?
I know. It was probably over 15 minutes ago or something. You guys/gals are slacking.:grin:

I hope everyone had a great time. I really wish I could have attended. Be sure to post lots of pics (that goes for Fab Fords tomorrow also)


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2006
No updates? Must be having too much fun! Wish I could have been there. Looking forward to pictures.


Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...'Must be some sort of conspiracy. Or worse - they formed a cult and are waiting out in the desert to hop onto a comet for a ride to Mercury.

Hey! Weirder things have happened!
It is almost a full moon!!


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Valencia, California
Since I see that some of you can't wait for a real report of today’s event I thought that I'd share some photos that were sent to me. All that I can say it was great and those of us lucky enough to be able to attend IMHO could not have asked for more.

I am sure some of the more vocal members will add all the details that you all might want.

In summary - the people who set this event up could not have done a nicer job and I for one enjoyed myself.


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Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Hey! Those guys are partying again....I pooped out and went home after Galpin. Had a great time!! Fantastic turnout of cars and peeps. I got to meet CASEY!! Great BBQ and friendship...people helping people...Galpin was a wonderful host and what a collection of outstanding cars they have in a showroom.....naturally I loved the very customized 1970 Cadillac hearse. :icon_dead

Here's a little info on my day...okay okay I'm gonna spill the beans.
I picked up Neil at LAX Friday afternoon and took him to the Knott's Hotel...Mike and Robinette and family were already there and I dropped Neil off to get freshened up and picked him and Mike and Robinette up a couple of hours later to go to dinner. Bob Teets and friend Barry,his son Steven and their outstanding HCS's arrived about the same time. We went to dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant and had three extra seats, so I called Bob up and told them to get their butts over there to eat with us...they were going to stay at the hotel and clean the road grime off their cars, as they left Colorado with snow covered vehicles! Didn't take much convincing to have them join us and we had a great time! Lisa and Robinette took some incriminating photos at the table. Neil sneaked out and paid the tab for all 12 of us! THANKS NEIL!! Then we went back to the hotel and helped Bob and Barry unload their cars and went over to a car wash and cleaned up the ponies.
I left to go back home...had construction traffic jam and got home at almost midnight. Got up to meet everyone at 7:00 AM for our convoy to Galpin.
A couple that drove their new CS ragtop from Alberta, Canada joined us and also a great guy named Jim Allen with a beautiful Brittany Blue CS that his Dad bought brand new (Outstanding car!). His Dad passed away of cancer 2 1/2 years ago and Jim vowed to keep this car pristine in his memory. He had a great story typed up with the presentation of his car. Those two cars were the first ones I zeroed in on in the Knott's Hotel parking lot when I first arrived Friday night with Neil. Jim is from Arizona.
So off we go down the freeway with walkie talkies and I'm going 55 mph trying to wait for everyone to regroup. I lead the pack and Joe brought up the rear...trying to keep the people who are unfamiliar with the SoCal freeways in between us. I think we had 2 68 CS's, 2 new CS's and 2 HCS's.
Robinette had the chase car for backup. Traffic was fairly heavy. Well we were tooling along okay and I start to see large gaps...suddenly on the walkie talkie I hear a garbled message (loosing distance here) of Mike's car quitting! I get a phone call from Robinette that they have pulled to the side.
I continue on because there are too many of us to just sit on the shoulder of the freeway...and we were in the heart of the Watts neighborhood. I don't want to take an off ramp and wait because then we would have to find a place to park and this would be a mess trying to regroup again.
So off we go with me, Canada, Arizona and Colorado (Barry and Steven) following. I feel okay about this because I know that Joe is with the other drivers. We have learned before we left Knott's, that Stan and Lisa had an overheating problem and went back home but they resolved the issue and made it to Galpin. Marion was already there, as was Ron Moore and cousin Roy. Paul and Casey were there too.
Wow it was great to watch the cars roll in! Gosh, now where was I? Okay...finally I get a call from Robinette to send a hook, but then I get another call later saying they were under their own power and rolling. Something Special had choked up and Joe went to get a fuel pump (Oh I'll let him tell you that he got pulled over by the po-lice). I'm just thinking that Mike forgot to feed his pony that morning. Anyhow...they are on their way.Whew! I am relieved. UT OH! I get a frantic call from Robinette that Bob (with Neil riding shotgun) zigged when he should have zagged and he accidently took an off ramp!!! OH NOOOOO! The two guys I am most concerned about are cruising the hood somewhere! I call them and they are trying to get back on the freeway...they stop at a Target store and ask directions YES! MEN WHO ASK FOR DIRECTIONS!!! (sorry :kiss: )
They find their bearings again and we trade phone calls back and forth and get them guided in to Galpin!! Meanwhile Mike,Robinette and Joe had arrived amid applause. My blood pressure lowers considerably when Bob and Neil arrive. (Hear whooping and clapping)
Scott Fuller had an unexpected root canal the day before so he didn't bring a classic car but he graciously offered to go find the lost sheep if they got in trouble again. Thank goodness Bob and Neil were okay.
Jeff Miller brought his new black killer CS. Ruben (Mustanger) brought his white daily driver,Sherryle,Tom and daughter Brittany brought her Brittany Blue 390 with bench seat, and there were a bunch of other cars and people I can't remember all the names and places but it was a great turnout! Oh our very own David Athans roared in too! Louie and his Bonestock (yeah right) CS rumbled in. I hope nobody gets offended if I forgot them but hey, I'm old.
Well after the fun day, I went home so I really hope there were no problems getting those who were staying at the Knott's Hotel, back down the freeways in the afternoon mad traffic.
Trust me there are more stories but I want to let the others tell you!

Stay tuned for Knott's Berry Farm Fabulous Fords Forever!



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Something Special had choked up and Joe went to get a fuel pump (Oh I'll let him tell you that he got pulled over by the po-lice).

It's the family curse Joe! To bad your sister didn't put out the word to go easy on you that day---or was it her that got ya?



Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
It's the family curse Joe! To bad your sister didn't put out the word to go easy on you that day---or was it her that got ya?


Actually, he pulled me over because he owns an '05 Mustang and has been trying to find a car with the perfect stance and tire/wheel combo, and when he saw mine he just had to have all the info on what the make and sizes of the wheels and tires are, what lowering springs I used, and just generally talk about Mustangs. Then he noticed it was a CS and wanted to know about that. All while Mike is waiting on an off-ramp right on the edge of the ghetto. No big deal though, he was armed and can take care of himself.

BTW, I just put on these new wheels/tires this week. I'll get some pics up as soon as I get a chance to take some. I was so busy taking pics of other cars yesterday, I didn't take any of my car.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
Some pics


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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
More pics


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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
And more


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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
And some from Galpin's awesome showroom


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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
And more yet.


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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2006
So Cal
Since Donna promised incriminating photos from dinner, here's a few. That's Mike & Robinette, Neil, and the group from Dinner. When you order a large margarita at Don Jose's, they mean it! :grin: A special thanks to Neil for picking up the tab (we Meadowlark Yellow people have to stick together)!

As Donna said, we came this close to not making it to Galpin. We got about 3-5 miles from home and steam started pouring out. :eek: We went home to check it out and it was just a loose radiator cap. Whew! So off to Galpin we went and had a wonderful time.

A few pictures from today - meeting at Starbucks to caravan in, and the line-up at the show. I believe we counted 15 GT/CS & 2 HCS. What a great turn out! There was an old & new CS in the "featured car" area - the black 68 turned out to be a neighbor of mine, Doug. I knew he had one in his garage, but this was the first time I've seen it.

It was a wonderful weekend, and I'm so glad we got to be a part of it. Casey & Paul & Galpin did a wonderful job putting the celebration together - thanks to everyone for their hard work. ~ Lisa


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