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Galpin GT/CS 40th ANNIV. DETAILS for 4/19 EVENT


Well-known member
May 4, 2007
Ventura County, CA
We had a blast at GAS!

I echo everyone's sentiments about the 40th event @ GAS on Saturday. Me and my two nephews, Erik and Dylan, had an absolute blast. I was very pleased (and feel honored) to have met and chatted w/Paul Newitt and the incredible Casey, great people! Congratulations again go out to Paul for his receiving that prestigious Iococca award, good going! :thumb: I also had the pleasure of sitting next to and chatting with two lovely ladies for part of the luncheon, the notorious Diesel Donna and the CALIF GIRL herself! It was also great to meet and chat with Neil aka frankinair, Sam aka 68blucalispecial, Joe aka JoeDLS, Ron aka clubpro (great job with the hats and shirts!) and if I heard you correct Ron, you were hit with a defribulator a night or two prior to your attending the GAS event, we're all glad you're still with us and so grateful you were even able to be at the show, outstanding! There were a few others I had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with however my memory fails me as to some of your names/handles and I apologize. It is such a great feeling to be a part of such a special family, I am very proud.

It was great to see so many awesome cars there and thanks for letting my spotted pony in on the fun. The turnout was great and to see some of the new gen CSs there was nice. Not to mention the HCSs, especially the red beauty packing the 428CJ under her hood :icon_ecst Did all I could to keep from drooling. And did I mention the showroom at GAS? One word, HEAVEN. Seeing those '60s Shelby Mustangs was great, especially the GT500KR, my fave. My nephews had a blast especially with the customs, they both really dug the Caddy hearse and Dylan had too much fun with the electronic drumset behind that one custom van. His dad is a musician and he's taught him drums and guitar thus why he kinda sounded like he almost knew what he was trying to do :wink:

I'm glad to have attended and brought my CS (almost didn't) (http://www.californiaspecial.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=6373&d=1208711105) and shared it with everyone. I had already rebuilt the front suspension myself last Summer and had it in a local frame and alignment shop last week to have the rear suspension redone with new poly bushings, GT leaf springs, 3/4" rear sway bar, new hardware, rear brake lines, shocks and 1" lowering performance front coil springs (the stock replacements made the car sit too high) and as luck would have it the fuel pump in my Expedition gave out a few days after putting my CS in the shop. Sooooo, $627 of the money I had budgeted for the work on the CS had to be reallocated to my Expy, which gets me to and from work. I had to "work it" just to get my CS out of the shop on the Friday before the show and had just enough time to quickly clean her up a bit on Saturday morning and check all the fluids and whatnot in preparation for the 80 mile round trip to GAS. The steering box and control valve are in need of a good rebuild as there was way too much play in the steering and the control valve is not centering the wheels after a turn very well, even after some adjusting. I just made sure to keep both hands on the wheel and avoid any quick turns, other than that she rode very nice and gave me no trouble getting there and back.

BTW, someone had asked for pics to put faces to the names, this is the only one I've seen so far that has me in it, although not a great shot: http://www.californiaspecial.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=6348&d=1208710557 I'm the guy in the cap on the right picking out a GT/CS cap and tee to purchase from Ron.

Well thanks again to all involved in putting on the 40th anniversary event @ GAS. Great job by Beau and Galpin our gracious hosts, Casey our amazing MC and Paul our CS registrar and Iacocca award winner! Thanks again for making me feel welcome and a part of the California Special family and for that awesome plaque. I hope to see some of you again at the next roundup.



Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
Come on......someone's gotta have a picture of Scott.

Well, I guess you're off the hook, Scott. No one's come forward with your picture. Either no one got one or you're such a nice guy no one want to offend you. Hmmmm????


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
We do have a picture of the mysterious Scott. A man without his car...


  • P1213143-1_edited.jpg
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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2003
Damn, that is me. I look like I'm looking to buy a car. Although the food was that direction too.


Mark Puls

Well-known member
Aug 2, 2006
Maumee, Ohio
2007 / 8 Lime Green GT / CS

I like the color scheme on the 2007 or 2008 Lime green GT / CS in the picture below.

I have yet to see one in that color and when I went to the Ford website to "Build my Own" the color was not available.

Who's car is that and is it a custom paint job? All I have seen in Ohio is White Black, Red and Orange.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003

The lime gold late model is a recreation done the way that Ford should have done it. Ford didn't offer the CS in that color. The car looked fantastic and was done right in my opinion. I came home and started looking for a used lime gold GT, but I would have to get a divorce first before I got the car. Decisions, decisions...



Mark Puls

Well-known member
Aug 2, 2006
Maumee, Ohio
Thanks for the info Ron,

Since My 68 was originally Lime-Gold thecolor appealed to me. I could imagine having them both parked in the garage next to each other.
It is a liitle different than everything I have seen so far and would love to see more pics if anyone has them.



Well-known member
Feb 3, 2004
Legend Lime CS Re-creation

There was a nicely done Legend Lime CS re-creation at the Galpin event and at Knott's. Here's a couple of pics.


  • 40th Anniversary GTCS GAS Knotts Weekend 265a.JPG
    40th Anniversary GTCS GAS Knotts Weekend 265a.JPG
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  • 40th Anniversary GTCS GAS Knotts Weekend 266a.JPG
    40th Anniversary GTCS GAS Knotts Weekend 266a.JPG
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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2004

You shouldn't see any new gen CSs in there. Ford did not offer Legend Lime in '07/'08...and the new gen CS was not available in Legend Lime. If there were any listed, they would be clones.
