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Gone, but not forgotten.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal

I also am very sorry to hear of your loss. We still remember our first Golden Retriever that we had and when he died. It can be hard, but time will heal. I hope you'll find another dog when you're ready ...


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
Well, I went and adopted a new "baby" from a local animal rescue center this week. He is a Shih Tsu and his name is Truman. He was on a euthinaia list in LA and was brought up here to Northern California by the Pet Spot Rescue. He needs a bit of training and love, but I'm sure he will be a great dog!! After all, he was born on my birthday back in 2010 (Jan 12th).

Here are a couple of pictures that I took today...


  • Truman 002.jpg
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  • Truman 006.jpg
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  • Truman 007.jpg
    Truman 007.jpg
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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
Congratulations!!! I'm really glad you were able to find a dog that can provide the companionship you want ... truly, dogs can be a gift from God :thumb: ...


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO

Just caught up with this thread. I am so sorry to hear about your loss, however it is cool that you have a new friend.

Last weekend, our family 5 year old beagle named Aggie was hanging out with us. We noticed that one of her toes on her front paw was bigger than the others. On Monday, we took her to the vet expecting that she had stepped on something and made it swollen. The vet looked and determined it was a Mast Cell Tumor (Cancer). She also went to see a cancer doctor on Weds and confirmed that was what it was. On Friday, the Aggie underwent surgery to remove the tumor and the toe. We made it through the this past weekend as pretty busy folks taking care of our friend. We will get the results back from the pathologist late this week to determine how far along the tumor was. We are very hopeful that we caught it early and that this is the end of it.

A friend once told me that "if I was half the man my dog thinks I am - I would be doing very well". I think of that often.

Best of luck with your new friend and best of luck to all those who have lost a family friend!!



  • Aggie3d.jpg
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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca

Just caught up with this thread. I am so sorry to hear about your loss, however it is cool that you have a new friend.

Last weekend, our family 5 year old beagle named Aggie was hanging out with us. We noticed that one of her toes on her front paw was bigger than the others. On Monday, we took her to the vet expecting that she had stepped on something and made it swollen. The vet looked and determined it was a Mast Cell Tumor (Cancer). She also went to see a cancer doctor on Weds and confirmed that was what it was. On Friday, the Aggie underwent surgery to remove the tumor and the toe. We made it through the this past weekend as pretty busy folks taking care of our friend. We will get the results back from the pathologist late this week to determine how far along the tumor was. We are very hopeful that we caught it early and that this is the end of it.

A friend once told me that "if I was half the man my dog thinks I am - I would be doing very well". I think of that often.

Best of luck with your new friend and best of luck to all those who have lost a family friend!!


Paul, I sure hope the news will be good!! Aggie is such a cute beagle!! My parents raised beagles when I was growing up, so I have a soft spot in my heart for them.

Truman is doing pretty good and making himself at home, but I guess I am not used to having a puppy around!! When I first brought him home he was sort of "layed back" and "quiet". Now that he has been around for a few days and gotten used to us, he is full of piss and vinegar and LOVES to play and chew on things. Thank God I have lots of dog toys in the house!! We are working on completing the "housbreaking" thing, and and I can't wait for his stiches to come out so I can bathe him!! Next Saturday!

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Oh Renee I am so sorry. My animals are my kids (since I forgot to have human ones). I have been a dog rescuer/foster mom for several years now. Currently I have four on board. Only one is mine and she started out as a foster. Her name is Xena (Warrior Princess) and she is a 145 pound Cane Corso, or Italian Mastiff. Biggest baby I ever had. The other fosters have horror stories and are now healthy and in need of great homes. I usually rescue the big guys because that just seems to be the kind that find me. Recently it took me two weeks to corral a smaller dog and I hope I have her placed with a co-worker.
I also work with transporting fosters. My leg is to pick them up from a boarding facility or shelter and then I meet a private pilot at a local airport who transports them to various locations. Sometimes they go through several legs to reach their final destination many states away or in Canada. If there are severe weather conditions that prevents a pilot from completing their leg, we have a plan B in motion for overnite fosters and to reschedule the flight.
One of my favorite fosters went to the Bay area and I get photos and videos of his life on a State Preserve with his new family, a Ranger. We drove that one up there.
I got to meet Tanner too!

God Bless you Little Lord Gizmore, Renee and your sister.
Rest in peace at the Rainbow Bridge.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca

You are do wonderful for doing all of that to help rescue animals!! God bless you!!! There are so many unfortunate animals out there just waiting for someone to care enough to help them. That is why I insisted on getting a rescue animal. They are more expensive, but the cost is worth it to enable the organizations to help more animals.

A neighbor around the corner from me has 4 Italian Mastiffs, so I know the breed. HUGE DOGS!!! Got any pictures of you and Zena???

I am so happy I resucued Truman. He originally came from the LA area and was brought up here to Northern California to be fostered. He has had his little problems (potty training), but we are all very happy with him. He is learning fast and has wormed his way into my heart big time!!

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I tried to post a couple pictures of Xena, but as usual, couldn't remember how to do it. I'll keep trying.

BTW, I got the little dog back today, co-worker couldn't keep her. Rats.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
BTW, I got the little dog back today, co-worker couldn't keep her. Rats.

Oh, that's too bad. I sure hope you find a nice home for the little thing. What sort of dog is it? I'm sure someone in So Cal needs a little dog to love...