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Just Won A Best Of Show This Weekend . Won The Same At Hot Aug Nights Last Week. I Think I Need To Keep It Modified For A Little Longer. People Alway Say These Must Be Rare Iv Never Seen One.
Holy Cow Nate! Congratulations again 'Just don't start charging us $$ any time we invite you to a show in Grass Valley (like the warbird guys do;-) and if you do come - I'll be sure and park mine in the "fixer'upper" section. That way I won't feel tooo bad ;-(
Thanks, Rhonda, Tim, I Love Showing My Car. Must Be The Wax?lol.
I Just Like To Show Everyone You Can Modify A Little And Have Fun Showing. These Cars Are Winners All By There Selfs.love Our Specials.
Just Won A Best Of Show This Weekend . Won The Same At Hot Aug Nights Last Week. I Think I Need To Keep It Modified For A Little Longer. People Alway Say These Must Be Rare Iv Never Seen One.
Hey Nate! A week from this Saturday will be the big "Roamin Angels" car show at the picturesque Grass Valley Fairgrounds (Friday thru Sunday). There will be over 1000 cars w/ judging in all categories. Please try to come if you can. PM me for registration details and we'll set you up