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link to a 390 or 428 gtcs or hcs?


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006

In case one would come across a big block for sale, and could give me the link to it (similar to when hicountrybob 428) , that would be greatly appreciated. Send me a PM.

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Question, is this for a GT/CS factory type conversion?

The reason I am asking, plenty of casting number and bracket/pulley differences between all years 1966-1971 on the 390 and 1966-1970 428/428CJ engines.

An FYI, the 1968 S code 390-4V engines with Canadian DSO's all had IMCO emissions, rather than the US 50 State Thermactor smog systems.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
Question, is this for a GT/CS factory type conversion?

The reason I am asking, plenty of casting number and bracket/pulley differences between all years 1966-1971 on the 390 and 1966-1970 428/428CJ engines.

An FYI, the 1968 S code 390-4V engines with Canadian DSO's all had IMCO emissions, rather than the US 50 State Thermactor smog systems.


I guess I may have had an unclear request, my mistake. I meant a big block "car" gt/cs or HCS. Sorry for the confusion.

This morning when I woke up and saw 3 replys with a link, I was thrilled how easy and how fast it went....

I understand that original big block cars are going to be a bit rarer.... I changed my post title.

Thanks for keeping an eye open for me, appreciated.



Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
I would PM the known owners - or ask Bob to give you a lead.

I really can't be of much help 'cause my 428 car had no radiator, engine, trans or drive shaft. But,I went with a Shelby friend for help and found that some part #'s, proper for me, were started w/ C6, C7, and/or C8, pulleys included. Also, my biggest concern, too, was PART #s like on the block(and the "C" on the end of the block), heads, intake and exhaust manifolds, carb, distributor, starter, alternator, radiator, water pump, fan blade and clutch fan to name a few, plus the Kevin Marti engine bay hoses, belts etc. AT FIRST, I was not really all that concerned with dates particularly, but did try AND DID FIND PARTS that predated my car's build date. SO, PATIENCE WAS A VIRTUE and I think that I covered most of the bases quite well. Thanks to Scott Fuller, I found that I had the proper exhaust and rolled tips still on the car (getting noisy now but I love it). HC Bob here.