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1968 Looking for a few guinea pigs to help test out a new Garage feature on the site


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
I've purchased a new piece of software that I think will be a great addition to the site. I'm calling it a Garage. It's similar to the photo gallery, but also has detailed info about each car that can be searched. So you can find all the cars owned by site members that have 4 speeds... or are Highland Green... or were sent to a specific DSO... or have J code engines... etc.

What I'm asking for are a few volunteers to help me sort out any bugs and give feedback. I've only set up the database for 1968 GT/CS or HCS cars for the moment, so those are the owners I'm looking for as guinea pigs. Once I get it all sorted I'll add garages for the 66-67 HCS and 2007+ GT/CS cars.

If you're interested please post here or send me a PM.



Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Jon, that sounds like a great addition, I tried to click on "GARAGE" but had no results. Tim, how did you get into the new feature?


Well-known member
May 4, 2007
Ventura County, CA
A great addition to an already great site!

Thanks for the new Garage feature Jon and again, thanks for all that you do for us here! :thumb:

This is too funny though as just last nite I was wondering about the online registry we had here and how we were able to search thru it as we will w/the Garage feature. I have been wondering how many other Diamond Blue w/black standard interior CS cars were produced. Wish I could afford the mega Marti report to find out but w/the cars that'll be listed here and in the upcoming book maybe I'll be able to get an idea of just how rare that combo is on a GT/CS. Btw, my "Di" and your HCS look similar in the shape/condition of their paint and rust so now I don't feel too bad heehee. I have to do something about all the surface rust on the roof soon and am checking out Eastwood and similar products to see which is the best and fits within my budget. That's a whole new thread so wont' go on.

Again, thanks for the "Garage" Jon! Lemme know if you still need piglets to help you out, if so, count this piggy in.



Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Jon, after re-sizing my jpg's I think it worked.



Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
I'm glad that Marty explained this 'garage' thing to me. I passed it by, thinking it was just another forum photo gallery. Man, was I wrong.

I like the idea, I will patiently wait with the rest of the herd for my turn, Jon. :smile:


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Jon, I love the garage feature! I have enjoyed looking at other members information and find it to be very useful.
Rob I noticed your car has the convenience option. Does it all work? Our 67 GTA has it and it was a real interesting idem to restore, six wireing harnesses in that option alone.