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I have some old brake, transmission and oil that has been is in sealed containers; the question that I have do these fluids ever get old and non-useable?
I think it depends on the additives and the type of stuff it is. I had some moebis watch grease that had seperated but supplier said it was normal and to just mix it in. In Australia brake fluid even has a use-by date so I'd side with tim on it being a bit risky. No idea why though as oil itself doesn't change until extremely high temperatures and is normally only effected by contamination and seperation.
A mate of mine just paid a few thousand dollars for an old shell oil stand full of unused bottles from the fifties... maybe you should hang onto them a bit longer Doug.
I wouldn't use them just because they might look good on the shelf. Just kidding.
Brake fluid will absorb water over a period of time. If it has never been opened and has a sealed top you should be fine but why risk it?