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. Photo Your Winter Fun


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Thanks Scott now it makes sense. I was thinking of a automatic not a manual. I have not seen one but it makes sense that it is there because they are on top of the case on a auto.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Can't speak to 1968 positively, but my '71 Boss has the VIN stamped there, so it makes sense it'd be in the same location.


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Most toploaders I have seen are stamped on the bottom of the main case on a little flat spot where the tailhouse bolts on. Never seen it on the ear like this.

Automatics are on a flat spot on the top of the main case near the back of it. facing up.



Well-known member
May 22, 2009
That is a good video. When we were kids we did that with a Hudson hood, It was a lot of fun till the driver turn a corner with a fire hydrant!:eek:

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Final pics of a complete engine, tranny, u-joints, and heater box and core rebuild. Chased a mystery noise for about 3 weeks and it is in another thread, so I won't bore you again. This is one nice car to drive. Great sound, power steering, and a 4 speed to shift. Wish it was mine!!!

Nice little 4V 302 with a Comp Cams Extreme energy cam and roller tip rockers

Owner just put on new vinyl stripes. I like it!!

Rear shot of the stripes. I want the owner to improve the exhaust tip orientation. Stick out a little to far for my taste.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Thought you might like to hear the engine. Tried to tape the mystery noise, but the camera would not pick it up. When Val zooms in on the left front of the motor, I swear I can almost see the little emissions plug moving.... It is just above and behind the spacer for the power steering pump spacer next to the left head. Just above the most forward exhaust manifold bolt....

Anyway, one great sounding nice running motor!!


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Ruh roh! Rob took out Val's Toploader 4 speed!!! Next think he knows.... blamo!!!! All over the table. Actually it is getting freshen up with more than likely a new 2nd and 3rd gear and matching new syncro drums and blocking rings... Also I am building a new cold air assembly for the 48 IDA Webers Pictures of that soon!!


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
The rest of the story..... Might be time to retire from the car hobby...

So as you see above I rebuilt the toploder 4 speed in Val's 1967 Fastback. These days you can even buy gears and syncro drums and such. Back in the day there were only used gears available, if yours were used up. So this one got a new 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gear (input) and both syncro drums. Small parts kit and such. $730.00 in parts. Of course Rob is free....

Soooooo.... Finished it up, got it in the car, and then cleaned up my work table where I assembled it. Sitting under one of the paper towels is one lonely looking needle bearing. After a close exam, it was one of the 42 required (21 each end) needle bearings that support the cluster gear on its shaft. And the cluster gear is the second thing you put in the case after the reverse gear. Pretty much standard on all 4 speeds, Muncie, T-10, blah blah blah. I use a 1 inch diameter wood dowel to contain the needle bearings and the thrust washers until the end as it is the last gear you set in place with its steel shaft. With the dowel in place it is very hard to have a needle fall out, and just as hard to miss the proper amount. The last needle on each end kinda slides in very hard and locks them in a tight circle....

Sooooo.... You need to remove and disassemble the complete tranny to verify...... Rob is sad.... Not a good night sleep. So Rob thinks maybe it was one of the 42 he took out..... Ah, they are in the shop garbage can!! So Rob sits down with half full garbage can. This is one "gresey" can. Piece by piece he takes out rags and tranny parts and God knows what else..... Slowly he finds the needle bearings. He finds needle bearings for the input, the reverse gear, and the cluster gear...... Carefully segregating and counting...... Each is way different thank God. Rob wants to find 41 of the cluster needles to go with his one needle..... please please please.......

Rob finds 42 of them to go with his one...... Rob has 43..... Rob likes third person once in awhile.. 43..... crap..... Time to take the tranny back out and down to parade rest???? phooey.....

Rob goes up to his part stash first. He has 3 unopened bags of brand new needle bearing for a toploader. Two for the reverse gear which needs 44 total and one for the cluster gear which needs 42 as noted above. Rob carefully counts all three bags. Each bag has exactly one more needle bearing than you need....... Calls his parts guy who rebuilds himself and he confirms that for some reason they provide more....

For heavens sake why would they do that? Just to torture the rebuilders I guess. Sometimes when I work on my own stuff I am not as methodical......

I am confident that it has all 42 in it. But next time, I will be even more careful.....

Rob "maybe I should give up on cars" Campbell


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Yep, you must be going senile Rob. None of the rest of us EVER make mistakes...



  • cs before.JPG
    cs before.JPG
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Certainly not.


  • Engine and Trans.jpg
    Engine and Trans.jpg
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robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Ah the loose lug nuts and the forgotten block plate trick!!! I have forgotten the block plate, but so far (yikes) I am loose lug nut virgin!!!

Senile Bob....

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Check this out! An easily removable cold air box that seals to the hood around the plenum air cleaner under the hood scoop for the 48 IDA Weber System. Air cleaner is from a 95 Corvette!!! I used to have a system that mounted to the hood, but it started to look very tacky. This allows for full display of the carbs and just sits on the tops of the carbs and the hood gently presses down. Comes off and goes back on in seconds. Looks very easy to make, but not as easy as you would think, trust me! I may use it as a mock up and see if someone can build it out of carbon fiber!! Bet that would be cheap!!!

To make it work I purchased a cool removable export brace that my big bro Herb has on his Mustang. The strut arms remove in a couple minutes for cleaning and work and the assembly is designed clear all sorts of carb combinations and Fuel Injection set ups. Like Robs air box. MPG Products and way cool stuff!!

Drove it down t pickup the new air cleaner. found out it runs like doo doo with the air passing over the stacks with no air cleaner or scoop. Shelby actually had a similar problem with the 1965 Shelby Mustang. They put a screen in the front of the hood scoop to “break” up the air. At speed the front to stacks would starve for air and foul the front two spark plugs. Screen seem to do the trick!

First drive with the new rebuilt 4 speed. It has never shifted better and downshifts from 4th to 3rd are easy as pie. I have drove the car for the last 25 years with no 3rd gear downshifts. What a pain!!! She runs better than I have ever experienced. I be way happy!!!

Rob “soon to be retired” Campbell

Love the MPG Export Brace. Carbs are a little dirty, sorry

Cold air box just slips over the stacks. Take it off at the cruise night!

Close the hood and seals right to the hood! Ran like crap with no filter!

Shot of the front of the air box seal to the hood

Install your 95 Vette air cleaner....

Cover it up with one big hood scoop!!

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
17.5 by 10.25. Napa Gold #6323. Fits a 1995 Corvette. I looked long and hard for an air cleaner that would kinda match the rectangle over the top of the 8 stacks. This is very close! It is also available through K&N.
