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1968 Side Scoops - Stripe Installation and black insert


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Have completed the vinyl top and headliner. Was going to do the rear 1/4 windows next but then realized the side scoops need to go on before that. Which lead to the stripes...

Should the stripe be put on the scoop off the car, to get a good rear edge wrap? Or can they be done after the scoop is on... the shop did a great job touching up the edges to get a nice tight fit scoop to body.

On the facing for the blackout behind the mesh grille, the OEM is "there" but so wrinkled and old as to be useless. I think there was a post about using old (antique) large format floppy discs but I have not been able to find any locally. Any other suggestions for the inserts, as I don't really want to paint. Looking for local thin "plasticy" products with a bit of a texture as the OEM look like they had some grain...


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Since you have the quarter window tracks out, I would drill a 1.5 inch hole through them where the hole in the quarter panel is for the side scoop stud. Some of the first cars built were drilled this way. This way you can intall the quarter windows and still install the side scoops at a later time. This does not weaken the steel window track plate.

I know I have seen Black Mylar as the material for the side scoop black out. Might try a sign store or other online supplier. It is almost like a black bumper sticker material.

If it were me, I would do a good wrap around the back side of the scoop with the stripe, and make sure the stripe folds into the screen area, with about a half inch of stripe going under the black mylar. This would be done before the screens are installed.

Just my two cents worth.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Not interested in molesting the existing parts, hate drilling holes where the factory did not. So will install in the order required. Leaving the tracks as-is is not a problem.

Will shop around for a good filler material and install the stripes first and then the windows...


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
If you have a good sign shop around you might try getting some black applique used for braille signage. It is about .040 thick and has a self adhesive back. Worked really well for mine. If interested you could pm me and I would be happy to send you enough for the job.


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2002
Kaysville, UT
I used black self adhesive "vinyl" used by many ladies around here for DIY wall stickers - seems to be the same kind of stuff as the stripes. Used the aluminum grille to trace and cut out the pattern. Striped the scoop on the car, then removed to finish the wrap around the back. This way I could be sure the stripe lined up with the door stripe. Be sure to heat the stripe up before wrapping, this will ensure a good wrap and stick...otherwise, when you put it on and tighten the scoop down, any shifting could cause the stripe to bubble off...ask me how I know...8-(


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
A member here (powell) sent me some insert material. A bit thicker then the original but looks like it will work really well.

Initially made a paper cutout by tracing the mesh, a bit hard as its not a smooth surface. And hard to retrace. So changed tack, and just flipped the mesh and material face down and used a paring knife to scribe a line around the edge. Cut it out with shears and then did some sanding with 240 on the edges to smooth out the lines and get a nice fit.

Won't do final install until after the stripes go on.

Going to look great! Big tip-o-the-hat to powell for his generosity and assistance....
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