We put our stripes on and messed up a few before we figured it out. We first used Paul's measurements provided. We marked the car with small pieces of tape down the length of the car. We then used a chalk line (normally for wood) to get a straight line. Then, used tape to make where the chalk line was. We did this because the use of water is required to put on stripe and knew that our chalk line would be gone with application of water.
Our thought was that before you put the stripe on, we would submerge the stripe (with backing on) in water. That is not true. The backing glue mixes with stripe glue and causes a very big problem. We did not dunk, but rather pulled the backing off the stripe, then used a spray bottle of soapy water, sprayed area where stripe would be applied. We then installed the stripe and used plenty of soapy water so we could move the stripe in place.
We left the outer stripe cover on during the application. Then used a body putty spreader to smooth the stripes out and attempt to take out most all air bubbles. Then, slowly pulled the outer cover off the stripe. Another learning experience was to be very careful as the small top and bottom stripes can move a great deal with the soapy water previously applied. Don't forget that the stripe is suppose to wrap around the front of the door, the back of the fender, and the back of the door. Stripes should also be installed before the screens on the scoops.
We did the same technique for the back stripe, however, it is important that the rear fender extensions go on first, then the deck lid stripe. I think they match up better that way and have more flexiblity in moving the stripe around. The fender extension stripes go on top first, then moving down. The fender extension stripes should be alittle long and will require just a little trimming.
I think another important tip is to apply the side stripes on at a location that you can step back away from the car. That will really be your only indication that the stripe is straight and looks good to the eye. However, if in a tight spot, you can not see down the car very good.
In all this, we messed up a scoop stripe and door stripe before we figured out how to do it. It was a pretty costly mistake as ordering parts and pieces was just about as much as ordering a whole new stripe kit. Once we figured out how to do it, it went very well.
I think that is it. Good luck.