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CS in Barrett Jackson sold for 49,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
Anyone else notice the jump in users on the site?? Just logged on and earlier this evening there were 60 people on! Right now there are 38 and 30 are guests. I think the BJ GT/CS has created a buzz......


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
The question I keep trying to solve is why would someone pay that kind of money for this particular car when there are other examples that are nicer than it for half the money. From what I can tell Jason's maroon car was nicer than this one.

Let's watch the prices for the next few months. I don't think any of us expect all the prices to jump up to $40,000 but let's see if they go from the high teens to at least the mid 20s.

All the planets seem to be lining up for us. First is this auction, then the release of the '07 GT/CS, and finally the release of the die cast models. And in a few months the weather will start warming up and people get into the serious car-buying mode again. If prices are consistently in the mid to high 20s by the end of summer we'll know that this wasn't just a fluke.

One other thing to consider is that a restored hemi 'Cuda can now push seven figures and so many millionaire collectors have them that more-brains-than-money crowd might be looking for something different. Shelbys might also be getting passe in that crowd. So now what rare, unique, '60s or '70s American car do they buy? Hey, you know there is this cool looking Mustang that was built in '68........


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
quicknick said:
Wasn't there more than one CS going on the block today? If so, what did IT bring?

nope only one in the BJ auction. All we need is one for this year, especially at 49k.

maybe I will find a decent one this year and restore it for next years BJ.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2005
GT/CS X code for sale 89,000

Anybody want it here it is, get it before the prices go higher, 49,000 for a 289, this is a steal


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2003
One other thing I was thinking about this morning is that since Barrett Jackson is obviously a live auction, it means there was least one other person bidding who was willing to pay more than $45,000 for that car. (I wish I knew who he was!)

It would have been fun to see that auction in person. I would like to know if there were several people bidding at the $25,000 to $35,000 level or if this was just a case of two guys who got into a bidding war.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
could not tell from the televised coverage. It did not show who the bidders were.

one small thing to remember is this is a no reserve auction which means the owner COULD have bid on their own car to protect their investment. Even with this said there was someone else bidding to get it to that level. I am not saying I think this is what happened but it is possible.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
GTCSNJ said:
I am amazed. Did anyone else notice the taillight chrome had a black perimeter?


Yes, Gary I noticed that too...and the steering wheel, and the CS script on the top of the seat backs and the incorrect seat covers, and the 10 spoke Shelby wheels...anyhow...I saw the description in the BJ catalog as being completely restored. To me that means 'original'.

But I was STOKED while watching the bids skyrocket! I was afraid they might auciton the car off during a commercial, as I was figuring it was on deck right behind the brown Jaguar. Then the announcer keeps blabbing about yesterday's sale of the pink Willy's to Senator McKane's wife. SHEESH! I wanted to hear about the California Special! It was obvious that they didn't know very much about the CS.

What a great thing to happen for our cars! Yaaaaaay!! :icon_ecst



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Does anyone happen to have a tape of the CS selling or a link they can email me. I'd love to see that part of the sale and I was at work, forgot to set the recorder.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
rvrtrash said:
Does anyone happen to have a tape of the CS selling or a link they can email me. I'd love to see that part of the sale and I was at work, forgot to set the recorder.

I have it Steve and I've been looking for a good excuse to see if I can SVideo directly to my Sony DVD Burner from the DVR and burn it onto DVD, I'll give it a try. Be patient however, not sure when I'll get to it and if that doesn't work I'll record it onto VCR...what ever that is, kind of like an 8 Track I think.



New member
Nov 10, 2005
Phoenix, Az
I saw the car at the auction and it was nice but was far from a show car. It had 6x9 cut into the rear interior deck and has several items that were not original on the car. It was a very solid driver. I can only imagine what a C/S or HSC in show quality condition would bring at auction


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
68hicountry said:
I saw the car at the auction and it was nice but was far from a show car. It had 6x9 cut into the rear interior deck and has several items that were not original on the car. It was a very solid driver. I can only imagine what a C/S or HSC in show quality condition would bring at auction
Really, (and not bragging at all), I think I need to bump my insurance up on my 428 and X code HCS's a few hundred bucks to stay with the apparent market value, and I'm sure you all feel the same way. hicountry Bob Teets here.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
hicountrybob said:
Really, (and not bragging at all), I think I need to bump my insurance up on my 428 and X code HCS's a few hundred bucks to stay with the apparent market value, and I'm sure you all feel the same way. hicountry Bob Teets here.

no need Bob, I will just give you a few extra hundred bucks and take those things off your hands. :grin:


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
390cs68rcode said:
no need Bob, I will just give you a few extra hundred bucks and take those things off your hands. :grin:
Jason, what a SAINT you've become. What a guy, people! I appreciate friends like you, Jason. After all, who needs enemies with pals like you. Back that TRUCK LOAD OF MONEY up my drive, will you? yours in the faith (CS and HCS), hicountry Bob Teets


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
hicountrybob said:
Jason, what a SAINT you've become. What a guy, people! I appreciate friends like you, Jason. After all, who needs enemies with pals like you. Back that TRUCK LOAD OF MONEY up my drive, will you? yours in the faith (CS and HCS), hicountry Bob Teets

be there in a day with a truck load of money (pennies). deal?

:grin: :wink:


Active member
Dec 22, 2005
Kansas City, Mo
A word on Barrett Jackson prices. I know a fellow who has both bought and sold cars at BJ. I asked him about some of the seemingly high prices at the show. He explained it as follows. To some guys ego is a very important issue, especially when it comes to cars (imagine that). Let us assume for a minute that the buyer of this CS was an informed buyer (perhaps not) and he says to himself, "this car is worth $30K". He goes to BJ with the intent of having fun, perhaps with his wife/girlfriend. The car comes accross the stage, the bidding begins, he and his wife/girlfriend are shown on the TV. The boys back home get to enjoy their friend's 2 minutes of fame on national TV. Somehow he can get a recording of the proceedings for his personal collection. Now the alternatives, overspend 20K on a car and buy 2 minutes of fame or spend that cash in Vegas at the tables, or in Aspen, or you fill in the blank. In he case of the car, he has something to show for his extra $20K including 2 minutes of fame. If he spends it in Vegas, well, he will likely have a headache to show for the evening. We all make choices in our entertainment. My friend explained that for most of the folks there, the upcharge for the fun is not a big issue as far as disposable income. So, will some cars trade too high? Yep, but that person has a real trophy he/she can have as a toy for years to come. And, Ah, the real boost to the ego.

I have been on the side of saying our CSs are too cheap compared to the other cars. I saw a pretty plain Jane 69 Mach 1(351 2V) on BJ sell for north of the price of this CS, so perhaps we are beginning to catch up. Even at say $40K I still like the value of our CSs compared to some other vintage Stangs. As we all have said before, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. My bet is we will see more GT/CSs next year. There is certainly an opportunity to Arb (buy at 15K, do 10K work, resell) some of these cars if this trade is even close.

My 2 cents.



Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
390cs68rcode said:
be there in a day with a truck load of money (pennies). deal?

:grin: :wink:
REALLLLLY, Jason, pennies? I'm so disappointed that you did not step up to at least nickels, anyway. Makes me wonder if we lunched one day (on your invite) and you'd be slow to reach the check and then left the tip up to me, also. Man, I hope others don't read this post and get a negative feel about you, 'cause I sure don't. Another thing, Jason, Denver(home of the next SUPER BOWL CHAMPS) is over 5000 alt., which between NO AC in my cars and the lack of RARIFIED AIR or oxygen, would require you to bring your own tank. And I just can't do that to you, you know, the tank weight at your age, the stress here with the altitude, the traffic etc. I just wouldn't feel right because I value your offer to save me from myself. Later, Friend, hicountry BOB here.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
hicountrybob said:
REALLLLLY, Jason, pennies? I'm so disappointed that you did not step up to at least nickels, anyway. Makes me wonder if we lunched one day (on your invite) and you'd be slow to reach the check and then left the tip up to me, also. Man, I hope others don't read this post and get a negative feel about you, 'cause I sure don't. Another thing, Jason, Denver(home of the next SUPER BOWL CHAMPS) is over 5000 alt., which between NO AC in my cars and the lack of RARIFIED AIR or oxygen, would require you to bring your own tank. And I just can't do that to you, you know, the tank weight at your age, the stress here with the altitude, the traffic etc. I just wouldn't feel right because I value your offer to save me from myself. Later, Friend, hicountry BOB here.

lunch and tip is on me. I will bring my 68 Cobra Jet (with AC) and we will do a little drag racin'

you win I pay in nickels, I win I pay in pennies. :grin: :wink:

good to see you are a good sport with my stuff I said above, I knew you would be.
