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Gone, but not forgotten.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
I know it has been a while since I logged onto this website, and I appologize for that, however, I had something horrible happen to me a few weeks ago. I lost my beloved dog, Lord Gizmore, due to a tragic accident. He was only six years old and I miss him so much! He was at my sister's house and she came home unexpectedly and when he ran up to her car to see his 'Auntie', she hit him and killed him instantly. I know this may not seem like much to some people, but it has turned my world upside down! I miss him so much and I still cry at night because he is not there. He was my best friend and I could talk to that dog about anything!! (Thank God that dog could not talk!!!)

Has anyone else out there lost a beloved pet? I am sure there are some of you and I would like to hear your story. Please post pictures and tell me about your 'baby'. Maybe it will help me get through this...

Here are a few pictures of my Little Lord Gizmore...


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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2004
San Fernando Valley, California
Yes. I lost a Pekingese to a coyote, my whole family was heartbroken and my father blamed himself. I know how you feel. I'm preparing myself for that feeling again, my pug is 13 years old, going to be 14 in May and he's not doing too well. He is so lazy that he refuses to go on the walk in the morning now. His medication is costing $150 a month. I'm so sorry that happened, Renee. Time helps...you should definitely look into buying another little, friendly doggy


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
Yes. I lost a Pekingese to a coyote, my whole family was heartbroken and my father blamed himself. I know how you feel. I'm preparing myself for that feeling again, my pug is 13 years old, going to be 14 in May and he's not doing too well. He is so lazy that he refuses to go on the walk in the morning now. His medication is costing $150 a month. I'm so sorry that happened, Renee. Time helps...you should definitely look into buying another little, friendly doggy

Please post a picture. What is his name? I also lost a beautiful Schipperkee named Misha to old age. She was 14 when she passed. It is so hard to lose an important member of your family!


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2004

I really know what you are going through. During the latter part of December 2000 I had to have my dog Rusty put down due to an illness. He had been with me for 15 plus years and it took the better of three months before I got another dog - Tanner which I believe you met at the Grand National in Seattle this past year. Rusty had been all over the US and parts of Canada with me, and now Tanner is doing the same. I have a web site which I had dedicated to Rusty and introducing Tanner. I haven't been able to update the web site for 10 years due to technical problems, but you're more than welcome to check it out: http://www.mashell.com/~wnorman/mysite.html.

Now you need to get another companion - it does help. I still have thoughts of Rusty, but Tanner keeps me company now.



Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
and the shepherd is Noel, she is about 8 years old.....and the little Pekingese is Sparkle, she is only 6 years old


Pets are such an important part of our lives and it hurts so much when they are gone. It leaves a very empty spot in your life :cry:

I know it will get better, and I have made a few enquiries at local rescue centers about adopting a new 'baby'. There are so many homeless animals in the world and I want to give one of them a new life!


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca

I really know what you are going through. During the latter part of December 2000 I had to have my dog Rusty put down due to an illness. He had been with me for 15 plus years and it took the better of three months before I got another dog - Tanner which I believe you met at the Grand National in Seattle this past year. Rusty had been all over the US and parts of Canada with me, and now Tanner is doing the same. I have a web site which I had dedicated to Rusty and introducing Tanner. I haven't been able to update the web site for 10 years due to technical problems, but you're more than welcome to check it out: http://www.mashell.com/~wnorman/mysite.html.

Now you need to get another companion - it does help. I still have thoughts of Rusty, but Tanner keeps me company now.


Yes Bill, I did meet Tanner! He is such a sweet little companion and I am gratefull for the many 'kisses' I got in Seattle :wink:

How old is Tanner now? He seems like such a joy in your life! Do you have any pictures of Rusty to post here?


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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007

I know what you are talking about a friend of mine has a Shihtzu bichon frise i have been with this dog since it was a pup it would sleep on my chest at night and when i go over to the house the do goes nuts i have to pick her up before i do any thing else and kisses then she wants my attention even thou it is not my dog i will feel just as bad as the owner the dog is about 7 or 8 years old


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003

Sorry for your loss Renee'

We lost our longtime friend Bandi a Boarder Collie during the winter of 09/10. He was between 9 and 10 years old and had just sufferend a minor stroke, the vet gave him little chance of recovering any of the losses he had incurred however within a few weeks he was getting around as he always had to our amazement.

He had lost his hearing pretty much by this time in his life and I went outside to plow snow with my pickup and snowplow and in the process I was backing up and backed over him. He was running around like he always did but I think with his loss of hearing he probably lost sight of me and didn't hear me backing up, I was pretty shook up. We were expecting to lose him at any time but that wasn't how I was expecting it.

We have a new puppy that we got this Christmas, it was a gift for my son, his name is Tug and he's also a Pug. We also have a Boarder Collie Austrailian Shepherd mix named Taggart, Tag and Tug, makes no difference they both come when you call. We also have two house cats and Bubbles does not like the new pug, she's kicked his @$$ a couple of times and he just doesn't understand what he's done to deserve it, he just wants to play.

Tug the Pug and Bandi the Boarder we lost.


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robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I am so sorry Renee' It sounds awful to say, but sometimes the loss of a dog is worse than the loss of a relative. They are part of your everyday life. I got to meet Gizmo. He was a sweetheart.

We had to put Maxi down last fall. She was 16 and could not longer get up from her bed. But I got a good bunch of photo's with her at the lake this summer with my friends from GT/CS land!!

Very very hard to do.....




Well-known member
Jan 2, 2003
I am very sorry to hear of your loss. We've had 3 dogs that passed over the years. Time will heal. Hope you consider getting another dog when you're ready.


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2007

I am so sorry for your loss.

We have been maried for almost 35 years and we have always had Mini- Schnauzers, usually two at a time. In that time, we have lost 4 great dogs.
I still remember each one of them and the funny thing's they used to do.

To lose a pet is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.

Take care of yourself.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Same here.

In the past 3 years I got divorced, lost my mother, my father, and had to put down 2 dogs.
Out of those 5 events putting down Abby, the wonderful malamute pound mutt, was the roughest.


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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Renee', you never really "get over" losing a pet, because they are always in your thoughts. Deb is a cat person, and I've been attached to a couple of them over the years. One, was named Cruiser because he actually enjoyed going for rides in the car and would drape himself over my shoulders or sit on the dash while I was driving. We had two Manx's (named "Smith" and "Wesson") that were an absolute riot to watch when they played. Of course I was the one that had to put them all down when it was time, and it surprised me how tough it was to do it. I believe some animals are immortal, simply because you never forget them.



Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
So sorry for your loss. We feel your pain as we just lost one of our Great Danes 5 months ago.
Our sweet Dudley was only 5 when he contracted a fatal blood disease. We miss him so much. Even with 2 other Danes in the house, it sure seems quieter and emptier.
Take comfort in knowing that Gizmo now sleeps at Gods feet.


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Well-known member
May 4, 2007
Ventura County, CA

I'm really sorry to hear about you losing Lord Gizmore. I concur w/Steve in that yes, you never really forget about them. Back on Labor Day 2002 I lost my beloved Daschund, Diogi. I had rescued her from a local SoCal pound in 1991 and a few weeks after getting her home I found out she was preggo. She gave birth to a small litter and all were given away to caring families btw. She knew the sound of my cars and was always waiting w/tail wagging and tongue sticking out at the door when I got home. She loved to walk and boy was she loyal and protective for such a lil doggie. She was already about 5-8 yrs old when I got her per the vet that spayed her so that put her at approximately 16-19 when she passed. We were all at the folks for a family bbq and that is where I had her as I'd just moved to a small apartment and couldn't keep her there, boy that was a tough decision too. After we were all done eating some of us were kicking back on the back patio and Diogi had been roaming around then decided to go into her house for a while. She came out kinda of stumbling and didn't look good, I picked her up and within a few mins she died in my arms. There was no vet in the town at the time and the nearest vet open on a holiday was at least 15-20 miles away. I had just enough time to get my keys and by that time it was too late. I still cry a little bit, like now, thinking about it and her. I can still "see" her running from window to window to see me whenever I got home.

You'll get better Renee', keep Lord Gizmore in your heart and mind always (I know you will) and everyday think about a different thing you did together or that he did that made you laugh or smile, you'll be amazed at all the good things you'll remember, even things you thought you'd forgotten about. I've attached a pic of Diogi and my nephew Erik taken on Christmas Eve of 2001, her last Christmas too waahhh. :cry: Not the best pic of her (can you tell she wants off his lap and onto mine heeheehee) I have other pics on a different hard drive somewhere but this was one of my faves and is the only one I have on this computer.

Again, I'm so sorry about your loss Renee', you did a good thing posting this thread here for all of us to read and contribute to though, thanks! :smile:



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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
Thank you all so much for posting about your beloved pets. I know that we all go through this at some point in our lives and it is not an easy thing to happen to anyone. Pets are such a big part of our lives and it seems so empty when an animal that you have spent so much time with and loved so much is suddenly gone. You see rememberances of that part of your live everywhere and you never forget the little quirky things that made your pet special to you. I will never forget the way my little boy 'pranced' after he came home from the groomer and knew that he looked cute, the way he liked to cuddle in the mornings (making me late for work on more than one occasion!), and the way he always greeted me when I got home from work every day like I was the most important part of his life. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Rob, I remember Maxi and how old and tired she was when we were all there last summer. I am sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to both you and Val. I know how much a part of your life she was.

And I am sorry for all of you who have loved and lost a part of your family. Thank God for the family that we all have here!! The love and support that is here on this wonderful website is a large part of my life and I am so grateful for all of you, my dear friends!

I have enquired about a couple of rescue animals since I got back from Hawaii. I am not sure if I have found "the one" yet, but I am starting to look. I have so much love to give to a dog, and will try my best to get another one soon, but nothing will ever take the place of my "Little Lord Gizmore". He was the best and most unique dog I have ever had in my life. He will live forever in my memories. I read a poem once after my dad passed, and I think it goes something like this. I probably have some of it wrong, but this is what I remember...

I thought of you with love today
but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday
and days before that too.
I think of you in silence,
I often speak your name.
But all I have are memories
and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake
with which I'll never part.
God has you in his keeping,
but I have you in my heart.