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Indy Show


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Just got back from the Mustang show in Indianapolis. Unfortunately I could not make it in the CS. My trailer situation didnt work out (it's a one way 6 hour trip). So, I took my daily driver GT convertible. I really wanted the CS on the Indy track run, but at least I got to drive on the raceway. Here is a pic I took with a cheap camera holding it up in the air.

At the show was an unrestored one-owner 67 fastback mustang (dearborn car) that showed me a lot of things that I hope to pull together to share here - it had only 60,000 miles on it - but was not concourse...just well-maintained. Everything was original except the tires.

Bob, there were no grommets in the hood for the vented hood signal wires.



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