Looking for your ideas on what you feel should be on an informational display sign for car shows. We will be attending the Woodward Dream Cruise in a few weeks and will be parked in Mustang Alley, along with over one thousand other Mustangs of all years and styles. California Specials are certainly not unknown in that area but not seen on a routine basis and an informational sign seems in order to prevent the "nice modified 68" comment so often heard. So seeking your suggestions, ideas and experiences so the display tells enough to let folks know what these cars are really about. Can't be too large since we drive the car and carry enough luggage to stay a week at times. So to the point and concise, images or an image can be included if needed. Would like to have something that can be displayed in the hood opening area sitting on the core support rather than the large stand type sometimes seen, again simply for the sake of space saving. All of your posts will be taken into consideration, and if someone has signage already created that fits this outline please do include an image if you care to share what you have. Have about one week to get this to the graphics guy so time is of importance. Thanks in advance for each of your comments and images. Help us bring a little recognition tour Special Edition Mustangs that deserves more attention than they now have.