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The Return of the GT/CS Window Decal!



I "finally" am going to make these!!!

Attached is an image of one of the window decals I made back in the late 1990's. The production number says 4025--a "pre-Marti" number, but I'll change that to say: 3867 GT/CS 251 HCS.

Is everyone OK with the new decal looking the same? It's black and gold, and printed on clear, where it's sticky on the face, so you can put these on the inside of your glass windshield, and/or quarter windows....or even in the lower middle of the back window. I picked gold, since Calif. is the Golden State (and it looks classy).

The size will be the same--3 inches in diameter.

I used to charge $3 for these...but I'd like to ask for $10 each, or two for $15. How is that?? The extra money will go towards the production of the book.

Thanks for your input!

Paul N.


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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
...The production number says 4025--a "pre-Marti" number, but I'll change that to say: 3867 GT/CS 251 HCS.

... Thanks for your input!

Paul N.

How is the new decal going to show the "stats" above? If you're a little crowded for space, maybe you can simply designate 4118 instead ... just a thought ...


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
You know having one of these on my new GT/CS, would contribute to orginal GT/CS's. I know it would be awsome to have one that had the 07/08's on a decal, but this would take away from the original California Special GT decals. I would be very interested in one as to remind those that see this decal where my car started from. Thanks Paul


You know having one of these on my new GT/CS, would contribute to orginal GT/CS's. I know it would be awsome to have one that had the 07/08's on a decal, but this would take away from the original California Special GT decals. I would be very interested in one as to remind those that see this decal where my car started from. Thanks Paul


I've been considering a decal for the late model (now 2007-2009!) GT/CS.
When the book is put to bed, I'm going to get hot on the late model stuff...and go looking for those cars.

BTW-- in all the pics I've been seeing of your CS, it looks just awesome!!

Paul :)


How is the new decal going to show the "stats" above? If you're a little crowded for space, maybe you can simply designate 4118 instead ... just a thought ...

I would like to use the 4118 Number, but I'm a little concerned about dissing the HCS folks. From the FORD perspective, it's 4118, but from the "on the ground" Colorado perspective, it's 251.

This may be another point to discuss out, regarding something like this (the numbers separation). How do the HCS people feel? As a point, there were more CS cars sent to Arizona than Colorado then. Is a HCS really a regional GT/CS? Hey, Mr. Teets...what's your take on this?

Paul N.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2007
Paul, I Still Have The Ones From The 90s, Yes I Want 2 More With
The New Numbers On It.

Thanks ,nates68


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2003
I'd say the HCS is a regional Mustang, and the GT/CS is a regional Mustang...but not that the HCS is a regional GT/CS. If the HCS cars left San Jose as GT/CSs, then I'd say they were regional GT/CSs, but they didn't. They left without any GT/CS designation (no quarter panel scrips). The HCS cars left the factory destined for DSO 51 and as HCSs. That's my input on the "regional" question. I'd love to see an HCS decal and would proudly display it on my car. But I wouldn't put a GT/CS one on it.



Well-known member
Jan 2, 2003
Paul yes for sure...........I'll buy several. A great idea.



I'm in for a few!

And what do you mean 2007-2009 ??

Did I miss something?

Edit: Just saw the other thread with the 2009 info.

Yes. There's going to be a 2009 GT/CS...this time with white stripes as an option. The CS has been selling a lot better than expected, so (I'm assuming) they've added one more year. SEE? we DO have an awesome Mustang, for it to be a three-year run (four, if you include '68).

Speculation is that the body change will be in '10, upon which we hope for a GT/CS during that year, too.

Good thing I know this now...before the book is done. Whew!

Paul N.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
I'd say the HCS is a regional Mustang, and the GT/CS is a regional Mustang...but not that the HCS is a regional GT/CS. If the HCS cars left San Jose as GT/CSs, then I'd say they were regional GT/CSs, but they didn't. They left without any GT/CS designation (no quarter panel scrips). The HCS cars left the factory destined for DSO 51 and as HCSs. That's my input on the "regional" question. I'd love to see an HCS decal and would proudly display it on my car. But I wouldn't put a GT/CS one on it.


RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bob Teets here.


Here's the way I see it:

It's a matter of (then) production reality--vs.--40 years of HCS ownership pride.

Here is the reality...the HCS was an afterthought, probably in May of '68, that the GT/CS wasn't selling that well in California. So, someone remembered the '66 and '67 HCS, and came up with a plan--through the So. Cal. dealers, not Ford directly--to make CS cars at the San Jose Plant sans scoop stripes and script. These cars also has a DSO of 51 (Denver Dist.).

As far as Ford considered it, there were 4118 GT/CS made. That is even what the Marti folks go by. The HCS is more like a "sub-production", than a dedicated production Mustang, etc...(not to sound harsh, or disrespectful).

OK--the pride is in the ownership of these cars. They were sold as the HCS, and promoted as such. Owners love these cars as much as the CS owners, and I know that as much if not more than anyone. Lots of phone time with Bob Teets to prove that...LOL!

I can make these decals in three ways (not to confuse things, but I want to be open and honest here)....

1. "One of 4118 Made" only...

2. "One of 4118 Made", with smaller added numbers: 3867 GT/CS, 251 HCS
(would HCS owners really use this decal?)

3. Make #1 above, for the GT/CS owners and then make some HCS emblems (like we've kicked around this for too dang long) that look the same, but say "The West Made it Happen", and "One of 251 Made" on it, too.

Your Thoughts?

Paul N.

p.s. I will say, that there are many CS owners that are quick to tell people in public that out of the 4118 number, that 251 were HCS cars.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
For the license frames we did the following:

1. 1968 Mustang GT/CS, One of 3867 Made
2. The West Made it Happen, High Country Special

The first made it clear how many GT/CS there are. The second was to accomodate the fact that there are 66/67 and 68 HCS's in the registry.

This was done with a poll system, and what the gang voted on back then. For what it's worth...



What I'm going to do is make the #2 version decal, with it saying: "One of 4118", and then include in smaller type-- 3867 CS, 251 HCS. I gave this a lot of thought, and have made this decision.

The reason is that the original engineering and development of the "California Mustang" produced 4,118 of these units.

In the eyes of Ford, Kevin Marti, and the publications of the day in 1968, it was primarily a GT/CS, so the historical context is why I'm going with this decision.

So, in that context, I'll go with the total number. There are other DSOs that got equal, if not more cars than the Denver district did. It's just that the Denver dealers wanted to add some badging to their allotment. Any other DSO could have done the same thing (Texas wanted their own Special). Arizona got a lot more cars than Denver. Unlike the '66 and '67 versions of the HCS, the '68 version was not a pre-destined Mustang variant, and was not really an idea from Dearborn.

I don't mean to sound indifferent to the HCS folks, but in a practical "big picture" production standpoint, I'll go with the overall number. I'm still aknowledging the HCS number on the decal, tho'.

I'll look into doing a small run of HCS-only decals.

Thanks for your input,

Paul N.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
I'd say the HCS is a regional Mustang, and the GT/CS is a regional Mustang...but not that the HCS is a regional GT/CS. If the HCS cars left San Jose as GT/CSs, then I'd say they were regional GT/CSs, but they didn't. They left without any GT/CS designation (no quarter panel scrips). The HCS cars left the factory destined for DSO 51 and as HCSs. That's my input on the "regional" question. I'd love to see an HCS decal and would proudly display it on my car. But I wouldn't put a GT/CS one on it.


I'm definitely w/ you on this, Scott, and also with Paul's comments posted 2/21 on this same subject. Bob here.