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1968 Autorama bound...

Midnight Special

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
I am going to Omaha this morning and can see if the Mustang Store has one in stock. PM me your phone # so I can call if they have one. Marty PS. I have a new 67 on my shelf and a used 68 if that would help.

Thank you so inexpressibly much for your efforts and locating a switch for Renee's car. I thoroughly enjoyed talking with you on the phone today in confirming we have the best website, wonderful family and friendliest network to go with our Special cars! I will PM shipping info and send you payment just as soon as you give me a total w/ shipping. Thanks again!!

Marty has you covered here! I also reminded him that he and his wife always have a destination in Northern California, a GT/CS to drive and an opportunity for one of your fabulous home-cooked meals!

....All I need is enough warning to move the BBQ out to the middle of the driveway ;-)

P.S. oh yeah... Marty, thanks for sharing my concern for Renee's safety and insisting we put the 2-barrel set up on her car. I know she will come to appreciate the extended gas milage as well ;-)

Just KIDDING!......
Midnight Special

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Steve, Renee is all about "encouragement"! Don't you think she would've been discouraged by now?

Although her cooking sometimes extends to the to the implements - her results are always top notch!


Well-known member
May 22, 2009

P.S. oh yeah... Marty, thanks for sharing my concern for Renee's safety and insisting we put the 2-barrel set up on her car. I know she will come to appreciate the extended gas milage as well ;-)

Just KIDDING!......

Tim I think you are trying to get me in to this carb deal with Renee. I really don't think I want to get on the bad side of someone who has a taser. I wonder if she can cook with it?

I had to go back to Omaha this after noon so I picked up the switch. If I get shipping information I"ll get it on it's way tomarrow. Marty


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Thank you so inexpressibly much for your efforts and locating a switch for Renee's car. I thoroughly enjoyed talking with you on the phone today in confirming we have the best website, wonderful family and friendliest network to go with our Special cars! I will PM shipping info and send you payment just as soon as you give me a total w/ shipping. Thanks again!!

Marty has you covered here! I also reminded him that he and his wife always have a destination in Northern California, a GT/CS to drive and an opportunity for one of your fabulous home-cooked meals!

....All I need is enough warning to move the BBQ out to the middle of the driveway ;-)

P.S. oh yeah... Marty, thanks for sharing my concern for Renee's safety and insisting we put the 2-barrel set up on her car. I know she will come to appreciate the extended gas milage as well ;-)

Just KIDDING!......

Sheesh, I had to look up inexpressibly! This site it becoming quite intellectual!!!
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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
Also Renee - At Rob's urging, we can put your 4-barrel & intake on TJ's car and his 2v set up on yours while we're waiting........ 'Soon as he sends me the cam. Okay????

WHAT!!!!!! NO WAY!!! You leave my carb right where it sits mister!!! Like I said before..."DON'T touch my car!!!"

Marty, Thank you soooooo much for locating the turn signal switch for me! Like Tim said, if you're ever in Northern California, we would love to see you! I promise I'll leave the taser at home :wink:

P.S. Tim, I'll just leave the BBQ to you if you just leave the kitchen to me! Besides, I bet it was the first time you ever had bacon flambe'
Midnight Special

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
WHAT!!!!!! NO WAY!!! You leave my carb right where it sits mister!!! Like I said before..."DON'T touch my car!!!"

Marty, Thank you soooooo much for locating the turn signal switch for me! Like Tim said, if you're ever in Northern California, we would love to see you! I promise I'll leave the taser at home :wink:

P.S. Tim, I'll just leave the BBQ to you if you just leave the kitchen to me!

...Aay'oKay Renee! Now we can advance confidently to a great show and more cruises. Your car by far is the best pick of our clique for the Autorama (save for Mike's S-code). This will be my first experience with a serious statewide event where the GT/CS can really shine! Many thanks again to all here who encourage, engage and support (augment) your terrific enthusiasm! How neat it will be to see others delight in your passion Renee!


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Midnight Special

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
VERY Special thanks to Marty today who shipped us a turn signal switch from Omaha!
You guys are the BEST! 'Gave a wonderful tour to the Fed-X driver as well. 'Turns out he's restoring a 1969 fastback :) This is too cool :))

Thanks again Marty "Ruppstang"!


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
I got my car back!!!! It has been sitting up at Tim's for quite a while waiting for the turn signal switch. Tim took it in and had it repaired for me Friday and it is now back in my garage! Thank you so much Tim!!! You're a GREAT friend!!

Marty, Thank you so much for getting that switch for us! I really appriciate it!

Now Rob, whatever adjustments you did to my car are AWESOME!!!!! That thing moves like there is no tomorrow!!!!!! I'm ready to challenge Tim to meet me at the Nevada County airport!! Bring your best Special Tim...:wink:
Midnight Special

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Marty, Thank you so much for getting that switch for us! I really appriciate it!

Now Rob, whatever adjustments you did to my car are AWESOME!!!!! That thing moves like there is no tomorrow!!!!!! I'm ready to challenge Tim to meet me at the Nevada County airport!! Bring your best Special Tim...:wink:

...Well, it's going to have to be a big block Renee, 'cuz... Wow!

With the switch (plus a few other) repairs complete, I embarked on the 30-mile flight to Renee's. We hadn't tested Rob's carb linkage fix prior to that, so the highway made for a great opportunity. Feeling the secondaries open full tilt combined with "Stevenson" engineered 9-inch & C4 combo was....well... Let's just say I was watching for helicopters!

I arrived at Renee's where she stood with the open garage. "Pull it in here" she says... I said "Uh uh....First you gotta' drive this!" We went to a nearby straight stretch where I said "I'll work the gears...You just keep your foot to the floor"... From about 15 mph (to not spin tires) we shot up to a "raped ape" 85 mph with un-ending torque and seat-planting whine exceeded only by Renee's screamin' exhilaration!!!! with a little more room we would've hit triple-digits with ease! ....I don't know how else to explain it! ...With that she began shaking (as she does;-) and I thought I was going to take over... She did just fine and the car is nothing short of awesome :))


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
The way you two are testing Rob's adjustments you are very lucky the CHP was not around, but maybe they only look for Red CS's with Oregon plates. :( I actually have the origional Black/Yellow Cal plates for the 68 maybe I should just put those on as I enter California What do you think?
Midnight Special

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
The way you two are testing Rob's adjustments you are very lucky the CHP was not around, but maybe they only look for Red CS's with Oregon plates. :( I actually have the origional Black/Yellow Cal plates for the 68 maybe I should just put those on as I enter California What do you think?

Oh gosh, I remember that! I used to believe it was a myth that red vehicles got ticketed more than others until I got popped in my Dodge on the way to LA. As fast as I was going - I'm sure now I would've been in jail if I had Oregon plates! Ralph, by all means, put the CA plates back on next time you visit! Oh... and I know it will be hard in that beautiful car of yours, but....try to go the speed limit as well.... try.....


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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Oh gosh, I remember that! I used to believe it was a myth that red vehicles got ticketed more than others until I got popped in my Dodge on the way to LA. As fast as I was going - I'm sure now I would've been in jail if I had Oregon plates! Ralph, by all means, put the CA plates back on next time you visit! Oh... and I know it will be hard in that beautiful car of yours, but....try to go the speed limit as well.... try.....

Marion and Mike are most likely having strokes right about now!
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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Marion and Mike are most likely having strokes right about now!

OK ARLIE, Get out of my head. Was I that predictable. DON'T BE COLD PLATING ANY CAR AROUND HERE! In the words of the Sheriff of Dodge Country, "You'll be in a heap of trouble boy". LOL Mike


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
Well, I got a call from the Autorama people today to let me know that they have received my application and to tell me that they are running way behind in their selection process. They got quite a few applications this year, and she told me that by looking at my paperwork and the pictures of my car, there would probably be no problem getting the car in the show. I should know by the beginning of next month.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
...Which means it's time to stop playin' & start cleanin' ;-)

But it's so much fun to play :tongue: :wink:

Yes, I know, it's time to make sure the car will be ready. It is in such great shape thanks to Paul (PFSlim) that it doesn't need much to get it ready to show. Thank you Paul!!!

So Tim, are you still going to help me get it ready the weekend before the show? :cheesy: :icon_ecst


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Renee can you guess who's car this is? And it is very clean! Marty


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